The author has already introduced you, dear readers, to such an exciting game as Zuma Deluxe. A game that, despite its simplicity, was able to conquer millions of users, taking up a modest (in size) place on the hard drives of their computers. At the peak of interest, like any other game, Zuma began to acquire various clones. Many manufacturers were eager to release a similar game and take their share of the cream of Zuma's success in the form of banknotes. Some did it better, others worse. Some of the clones became famous, others disappeared into oblivion almost immediately after their release. At least, your humble servant, even after rummaging through his memory, cannot immediately name any of these clones.

So time passed. The month turned into the next month, the year turned into a new year, until THIS happened.

In 2009, the developers from the company and the publisher represented by the company released a sequel to the game Zuma Deluxe entitled Zuma's Revenge. The developers did not sit idly by all this time. Apparently, they don’t like the formal approach to releasing new versions of the game (in the style of “more levels, cooler graphics, smarter opponents and blah blah blah”). And this cannot but rejoice. In the second version of the game, only the basic principle of the game and the main character remained unchanged. Everything else has been reworked to one degree or another.

The most important thing is that the improvements made did not have a negative impact on the game, but diversified the gameplay, significantly increasing the number of hours that you will have to spend playing the game (if, of course, you want to complete it 🙂).

But first things first.

I'll start with the graphic component. " I'll be brief!» (C) GDP. The graphics have become better, the game has become more colorful, the colors have become brighter and more saturated, and most importantly, everything is organic. The color variety matches the environment and does not distract from the gameplay at all, and beautiful videos at the right time in the right place only enhance immersion in the game.

Now the plot. It is present in exactly the minimum required quantity, without which the game would slide to the level of small five-minute games. Everything is simple, almost the same as in the first part of the game. The main character on a raft (this is exactly the picture you see when loading the game, and his thoughts flash through the loading line)

the sea brings you to a strange island, the secrets of which you will have to explore. To do this, you will have to go through the paths and caves of the island, fight with local deities and defeat them (not without your help, of course). That, in fact, is the whole storyline. Simple, but understandable. Next, put the mouse in your hands and go ahead, reveal the secrets.

Let's move on to game modes. Their number has doubled compared to the first part of the game, and is now four. The first of them is called “ Adventure". You will have to start with it, because otherwise all other modes will not be available. In fact, this mode is nothing more than an analogue of the corresponding mode from the first part of the game. The differences are as follows.

The island under study is divided into six locations, one of which is located in coastal waters. In each location you need to complete ten levels. The goal of each level is the same - not to miss the chain of multi-colored balls to the golden skull. The method of achievement remains unchanged - destroying chains of at least three balls of the same color. The principle of scoring points also remains the same, only now you can additionally earn bonus points if you manage to complete the level the first time. Oh yes. Only the coins from Zuma Deluxe were replaced with fruits here. Tropics, after all :)

But what the developers decided to please the players with was an increase in the number of bonus balls. To the already existing “bomb”, “slow down”, “precision” and “reverse” the following have been added:

  • « lightning" By taking this ball, you can immediately destroy all the balls of the selected color in the chain with one shot
  • « laser" Allows you to fire four shots with a laser beam. How to spend them - think for yourself. You can shoot the extra (interfering) ones in the chain, you can shoot at the fruits that appear. Just be careful, because right-clicking when using this bonus means refusing it. Yes, and for the duration of the laser, the running of the chain slows down.
  • « tee" Super mega bonus. One shot makes it possible to destroy all balls within three directions. Very useful for clearing out the chain that has filled a winding, nested path, allowing you to get to its innermost parts.

But if you think that playing has become easier, then you are very mistaken. The developers know very well the principle of “both yours and ours,” so they safely took care of the other side, our enemy. What did they come up with for this?

The fact that the levels (not all, of course, but for the most part) have become more complex, and the trajectories have become more twisted, and tunnels appear on them (places that are not accessible for shooting) is taken for granted, as a mandatory program for improving the game. In addition, unlike Zuma Deluxe, where the frog at any level was, relatively speaking, a kind of center of trajectories, and could rotate in all directions 360 degrees, in Zuma’s Revenge there are levels where it can only be moved along a straight line chosen before us.

In addition, at some levels, partitions now appear that do not allow you to shoot at the parts of the chain behind it. But don’t rush to get upset - at these levels there are two firing positions, between which you can switch quite easily.

But, of course, the most significant innovation is boss battles. Bosses are the lords of locations, in fact deities with some kind of supernatural abilities. Each completed level in one location brings you one step closer to meeting them.

And the battle will be difficult, because you will have to solve two problems at the same time - not to miss the chain of balls to the golden skull and inflict damage on your opponent. In general, you will have to sweat. Not only does the chain cover the opponent (and sometimes in more than one layer) and you have to punch holes in it. Not only does the enemy, naturally, not meekly await his sad fate, but tries to snap back in every possible way. By the way, each of the bosses does this in its own way - sends slow-mo at you, attacks with insects, releases ink blots, etc. (I won’t describe everything, you have to experience it for yourself). You will also have to deal with each of them differently (I won’t spoil it – there will be a surprise later :)). Yes, I note that during battles with bosses the lives used in regular levels are not wasted. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice :)

And, by the way, the most difficult and most interesting battle will be with the last, main boss. Personally, I liked two things about it. The first, at the very beginning of the battle, proved that the developers have an excellent sense of humor. And the second one, in the middle of the battle, made me remember the wonderful game of the late 80s - Prince of Persia. And remember - if you defeat the last boss, you can learn the secrets of the island. So grab the mouse and go!

The next mode is “ Heroic Frog- similar to what has already been described. You will have to race through locations and levels that you have already completed once in order to reveal the second secret of the island. However, despite the fact that everything is already known, this will not make it any easier. And even vice versa - it will be more difficult to pass, because the number of colors of balls is greater, and they move faster, and the bosses have become wiser after defeats. The author, for example, died an order of magnitude more often during this mode than in Adventure.

The third mode is “ Iron Frog"is an analogue of the mode Gauntlet from the first part of the game. The player entering the corresponding cave has no room for error. – the struggle continues until the first death. So if the skull is “full” of balls, that’s it, start over. Yes, there are only ten levels in this mode, but their design is such that everything has to be done quickly and accurately. The slightest delay or an inaccurate shot - and “ boss, everything is gone!", a chain of balls quickly rushes into the skull's mouth. And you have to make every effort and not lose concentration for a second in order to successfully complete this mode with your victory.

And finally, the last mode is “ Challenge" Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all levels in it will be available only if you have successfully completed the three modes described above. Actually, from this it is clear that we will play in already known territories. But the goals are different this time. You will need not only not to miss the chain of balls to the skull, but also to score a given number of points. At first glance, the task is difficult to complete, since this value is ten times greater than the amount that is accumulated in the normal game mode. Moreover, there is an additional time limit - the player is given only three minutes to do everything. There is no way to cope here without God's help.

But she is! As a certain number of balls are destroyed, divine lightning randomly turns one of the balls in the remaining chain into a magic one. If you destroy it, then for a certain period of time (alas, I didn’t measure exactly how many seconds it would last), the points scored will increase - two times after the first ball, three times after the second, four times after the third, etc. But just hurry up. The magic ball will not wait until you shoot at it, and after a while it will turn into an ordinary one. And how disappointing it can be when, due to the twisted trajectory of the chain, it is impossible to reach the magic ball that appears.

In general, try your hand. 70 levels, divided into 7 difficulty groups - from easy to impossible :) Each has two threshold points that need to be scored. One - less - in order for the level to be counted as successfully completed. The second - more - in order to be considered a master. However, in my subjective opinion, not all levels are well suited for this game mode. You can understand the developers (and especially the designers) who did not want to create an additional 70 levels. However, many of the levels used in this mode turn out to be very easy to complete, and on them it is not particularly difficult to more than exceed the target for gaining points. At the same time, there are about ten to fifteen levels in which your humble servant had to try hard before he managed to achieve his goals.

It's time to sum up and call it a day. We can say that the continuation of the popular game was a success. So if you enjoyed playing Zuma Deluxe, then you will also enjoy the second part of the game. And if suddenly, for some reason, the first Zuma passed you by, then there is an opportunity to start getting acquainted with the genre from the second part - with Zuma’s Revenge.

P.S. And finally. Added " Tiki Temple", which contains statistics for all modes and final statistics. The most interesting point in the latter is the total time spent playing the game. Pay attention to it when you successfully complete all game modes. And yet, think about it - couldn’t it have been spent on something more useful? 🙂

P.P.S. And finally. Appreciate once again the developers’ wonderful sense of humor, thanks to which the picture with the main menu of the game changes slightly after completing each of the modes (below is the main menu after successfully completing everything possible).

Zuma’s Revenge - this is how you can translate the name of the next version of the popular marbles game. No different from its predecessors in its content (the frog spews multi-colored balls from its mouth, breaking a chain of multi-colored spheres), this game differs from them in improved graphics and modified bonuses.

Game Features

With the transition from level to level, the frog machine gunner gains new opportunities; she can move from place to place and shoot not only balls, but also other more powerful projectiles; an image of the next ball that appears on the screen appears on her head.


The developers left the sounds and layout on the playing field classic; often sound effects distract from the main goal; it’s good that there is a “mute sound” button, which immediately increases the productivity of shots.


In addition to the usual rewards: slowing down the chain, reversing and a massive explosion, other auxiliary bonuses that are pleasant for players have appeared that help make it easier to complete the stages of the game.

Zuma's revenge is one of the most successful and well-developed versions of the marbles game.

The second day I'm excited about these little discoveries. We are talking about the game ZUMA DELUXE or “toad”, which is still very popular throughout Vologda, despite the venerable age of the game. If I'm not mistaken, the first version of it appeared in 1999.

My little tricks allow me to do the following (whoever has ever played Toad will understand me):

Slow down the movement of the balls
- reduce the number of balls jumping out along the chute at start
- increase the spitting speed
- increase the “reference time”, on the basis of which bonuses are given at the end of the stage.

Having applied all my discoveries, yesterday I completed the entire toad in half an hour, gaining 4.5 million points, 45 lives, and the last, most difficult stage 13-1 was completed in 9 seconds!

I no longer remember where I brought the “toad” to our editorial office from. This happened about a year ago, and within a month the fascination with the rabid frog had grown among colleagues to alarming proportions, so that they even began to talk about sabotage on my part in order to stop the work process. Everyone played and still plays: from the secretary to the editor.
In the end, having gone through the “toad” several times, we began to pervert it: passing it for a while, for the number of points or lives scored, for records, etc.
And just yesterday I found on the Internet a way to control the “toad” algorithm. Unfortunately, there was only one way to make the life of the poor jabber-gamer easier (slowing down the balls), so I had to discover all the rest myself experimentally, which I am incredibly proud of. So, here are the keys to the miracle...

The Zuma Deluxe folder contains the levels folder, which in turn contains the treasured levels.xml file. We open it with a notepad and start misbehaving...

All the main parameters of the game stages are written approximately in the middle of the document in the lines starting with
Settings id="lvl
Do not confuse with the lines located just above the required ones:
Settings id="level

The numbers after lvl indicate the number of the game stage to which the settings relate. 11 means stage 1-1; 42 – stage 4-2; 121 – stage 12-1, etc. Don't confuse 11-1 with 1-1! Following the numbers and are followed in a line by different parameters, regulated by the number appearing after them in quotation marks. For each stage, the parameters are set separately in its own line.


The speed= parameter is responsible for it. The number in quotes (in stage 1-1 it is .5) means this very speed. 0.5 and .5 are the same thing.
0.3 – very slow, but acceptable.
You can reduce the speed of the balls in the most difficult stages. 0.5-0.4 will be optimal.
For fun, you can try to increase the speed - chase the balls.


The further you go in the game, the longer the chain of balls jumps out at the very start. The start= parameter determines the number of balls at start. The coolest thing is to set it to 5 and extinguish the enemy as he approaches! However, there are many variations. The most convenient is a parameter of 10.


The stage in the “toad” is considered completed if the required number of points is scored. This amount is controlled by the score= parameter. If you set it to 30, then the stage will be completed with the first three broken balls. From stage to stage this number increases, and here too we can mock, correcting the parameter in the direction we need.


The firespeed= parameter is responsible for the speed of the shot. Normal speed is 6. that's slow. On my own behalf, I will say that 12 is fast, and 18 is already maniacally fast. I liked 18. Some lines do not have this parameter, but don’t be sad: copy/paste and that’s it! Works like a charm.


At the end of the stage, the completion time is compared with the reference one. So, the partime= parameter regulates this very standard time. Measurements in seconds. Those. 180 is 3 minutes. By setting the value to 360, you will see that the estimated time to complete even stage 1-1 will be 6 minutes! Depending on how quickly you complete the stage, in this situation the bonus is from 24,000 to 25,000. However, you won’t get 25,000 - apparently this is the limit of the bonus, but who knows - maybe a kind person will come along and show you where to change it in side of increase?

It’s the most maniacal thing to attach to all stages, i.e. to all lines after lvl.. the following information:
speed=".5" start="10" score="100" partime="360" firespeed="18" />

The balls weave like pregnant cuttlefish, the toad spits at them at the speed of light, not allowing them to even look out of the screen, after three hits the stage is over, and at the end of it a bonus of 24,700 or a little more awaits us. Those. Every two stages you earn a life!
This, of course, is a perversion, but it clearly shows how far one can go in experiments with reconfiguring the “toad”.

Good luck to everyone who is also struggling with the “toad”. We will win! Inka chaka ssuka!

The appearance of a small-sized arcade back in 2004 Zuma with bright colors and a simple plot, it produced the effect of a bomb exploding. The casual toy has captured the minds of many millions of office workers and their management. In the first six years of its existence, the game sold more than 17 million copies! The phenomenal success of Zuma spawned dozens of clone games that tried to replicate the gameplay. But the developers of Zuma - the company PopCap Games - also did not sit still and at the end of 2009 released a sequel to the game, which they called Zuma's Revenge. We will tell you about it today.

The sequel features bright and rich graphics and new music, but the principle of the game itself remains the same. For those who have never played the original Zuma (are there really such people?), we will briefly describe the essence of the game.

There is a frog that sits in the center of the screen and spits balls of different colors (not spits itself, of course, but at the player’s command). Along the game screen, forming different shapes and loops (sometimes quite intricate), there is a groove that ends in a disk with an image of a skull. Many, many multi-colored balls roll along the gutter, similar to those that our amphibian spits. The balls keep coming and coming, and the goal of the game is to prevent these balls from reaching the skull. And in order to prevent the balls from rolling to the skull, they need to be collected in rows of three or more balls of the same color. As soon as the row is completed, the balls will disappear from it, and we will receive a certain number of points depending on the number of removed balls.

To prevent the player from getting bored of sitting in one place and turning in different directions, the developers included levels in the game in which the frog can move between two points on the screen, choosing the most convenient position for a shot, or move at the bottom of the screen only in two directions (similar to , as it is done in the game Luxor).

Finally, a fairly significant increase in the number of points obtained can be achieved by shooting at various fruits, such as pineapples, access to which is blocked by constantly moving balls.

Upon reaching a certain number of points, new balls will stop appearing and the player will only have to remove those that are already rolling down the chute. After the last ball has been removed, the overall level of the game will be summed up, taking into account not only the number of balls removed and the length of rows of the same color, but also the remaining distance to the skull.

One of the most noticeable innovations in the game was the appearance of bosses. In the window summarizing each completed level, something like a progress bar is displayed, showing how many levels are left before meeting the next boss (as a rule, bosses come across every 10 levels).

Each boss in the game is unique in its own way and has special skills (shield, regeneration), character (vile threats and a pitiful howl after defeat). As in any computer game, the boss not only moves across the screen, dodging the player’s shots, but also shoots at him. The hit is not fatal, but it greatly interferes with the game: the mouse will start to work strangely, the frog will slow down, or even all the balls will begin to constantly change color. At the same time, the traditional chute with balls has not gone away and runs right between the frog and the boss, greatly complicating the game. Not only do you need to shoot at the boss and dodge his shots, you also need to clear a place for a targeted shot at the boss and make sure that the balls do not roll to the disk with the skull.

Another, this time very useful innovation was control points, allowing you to start the game in case of defeat not from the very beginning, but from the place where you last saved.

For even more variety, Zuma's Revenge features not one, but four game modes.

  • Adventure

The standard game mode consists of 6 chapters, each of which has 10 separate missions, a checkpoint and a boss. It is precisely the principle of the game in this main mode that we described above. Each of the chapters is designed in its own style; the player will have the opportunity to visit swamps, beaches, a volcano, and even underwater!

  • Challenge

In this mode, the player must complete each of 70 levels in a limited time, gaining a certain number of points. The game is complicated by the fact that balls of new colors appear at certain intervals. The levels are combined into maps, 10 levels each. Maps, in turn, vary in difficulty level ( Easy, Medium, Extra Medium, Hard, Very Hard, Seriously Hard, INSANE).

From mode Adventure This mode is distinguished by the presence of a BONUS indicator on the screen, after filling which bonus balls appear on the playing field, giving additional opportunities to the player.

The first two levels are unlocked by completing the corresponding stage of the campaign, the rest will have to be opened by the player himself. For those who like to stroke their pride, there is an additional incentive - receiving prizes for certain achievements when playing in this mode. The level is considered completed if the player takes first place in the level ranking based on the number of points scored.

  • Heroic Frog

This mode becomes available after completing the game in the mode Adventure and is its extreme version, in which the complexity of the game increases several times.

  • Iron Frog Gauntlet

The most severe and uncompromising game mode, in which the player is asked to go through ten maps, one after another. The game will end as soon as he fails the level for the first time; there are no checkpoints or extra lives provided here. Access to the mode will be possible after completing the game in mode Adventure.

Zuma's Revenge turned out to be quite bright and saturated, but now the game is already somewhat lost against the background of its numerous clones. However, to all those users who enthusiastically played its first part, Zuma’s Revenge is strictly recommended :)

Zuma's Revenge can be purchased both on the developer's website and in the Mac App Store. The option with the Mac App Store is more preferable in terms of the cost of the game - only 10$, but on the developer’s website the game is offered for almost $19.

Genre: logic arcade.
Platform: PC.
Developer: PopCap Games.
Publisher: PopCap Games.
Similar games: Luxor; TumbleBugs; Butterfly Escape;
System requirements: CPU 700+ MHz, RAM: 256+MB, 220 Mb HDD, 96+ MB video, DirectX 8
Official website of the game: website

P It is probably impossible to find a computer literate person who has not heard of a “casual” game called Zuma. “Office plague”, “working time waster”, “sat down for five minutes, woke up in the evening” - and that’s all about her.

The idea of ​​the game is simple, like all ingenious things. Multicolored stone carved balls roll in an endless stream along a winding chute. If they reach the predatory mouth of the well at the end of the chute, the mission is lost. To prevent such a sad ending, we have a cute terracotta toad at our disposal, shooting the same balls. The next stone is visible through the hole in the frog's back, and, if necessary, you can make it current by clicking the right mouse button. You need to aim so that the fired projectile hits where there is a sequence of two or more balls of the same color. Then they disappear, and we get points. You need to have time to destroy all the balls before at least one reaches the “pocket”. This is not too difficult to do, at least at first. When a certain number of points are scored (this process is controlled by a special scale at the top of the screen), we will hear the exclamation “Zuma!”, after which the stormy stream will dry up and even roll back a little. All that remains is to finish off the remaining balls, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake. Losing when you are one step away from winning is doubly offensive. With each level, the gutter becomes more intricate, there are more and more balls, they roll faster, additional colors appear, and, worst of all, the order of the balls becomes more random. True, somewhat more often you come across special spheres that provide short-term bonuses, such as an aiming beam, slowing down movement, or even rolling back a chain, or an explosion that destroys several balls.

The forerunner of Zuma was Puzz Loop, created in 1998 by the Japanese company Mitchell Corp. for the PlayStation console. However, the “console players” did not appreciate their happiness - the game could not boast of particular success. In general, a striking example of how a new idea is out of place and out of time.

But the remake, released five years later by PopCap Games, broke all popularity records.

Secretaries and directors of companies, frivolous laboratory assistants and gray-haired scientists, clerks and senior managers, students and teachers, civilians and military personnel played Zoom. In general, everyone who had the good fortune to meet this infection. In terms of the amount of damage caused to the global economy by wasting working time, the creation of PopCap will jokingly put the most evil virus in its belt.

The toy sold a fantastic number of copies - almost 18 million copies. And the number of “pirated” releases cannot be counted at all. Of course, versions of Zum have been released for every platform imaginable, from mobile phones to fancy gaming consoles. Many imitations came out, often head and shoulders above the original. Just look at the Luxor, which is set in ancient Egyptian settings and has already gone through four re-releases. There was also the provocative three-dimensional TumbleBugs (two editions), the stylish dieselpunk Atlantis Sky Patrol, the perky Pirate Poppers (also two editions), and the enchantingly beautiful Butterfly Escape. A bunch of unfamous clones: Karu, Dynasty, Chameleon Gems, Svetlograd... their name is legion.

For the time being, PopCap Games looked at all this bacchanalia with Olympian calm. The company already had more than enough groundwork for work. However, after the release of the masterpiece Plants vs. Zombies developers apparently decided to relax. It's time to rethink old ideas.

The new reincarnation of the game is called Zuma`s Revenge. “Revenge of the Zums,” of course, has a simple plot in mind, but this phrase can easily be attributed to imitators and clone makers.

While the game is loading, we are shown a cartoon screensaver of our dear amphibian sailing on a fragile raft, with a sail made of trousers, on a stormy sea. Apparently, the frog decided to rest after all the righteous labors. On the mysterious island where the toad eventually ends up, the brave traveler is greeted unkindly. They say this is not a resort, and in general you don’t belong here. Well, no respect for the veterans of the original genre! To prove the hooded guy wrong, the toad will have to deal with five powerful guards guarding the island.

The wizards from PopCap Games did not waste time on trivialities like updated graphics or new bonus balls. Of course, it cannot be said that the gameplay has undergone a major overhaul, but there are so many cosmetic changes that this is exactly the case when quantity turns into quality.

Externally, the game looks simply excellent. Although sprite graphics are still in use, special effects take full advantage of the capabilities of modern video cards. If your computer allows it, you can enable super-resolution 1920x1200 (for which the new Zuma was initially designed) and enjoy the picture quality.

Among the meager set of options, by the way, there is a special coloring scheme for the balls - for colorblind people who do not distinguish between red and green colors - “Colorblind assist”.

The gameplay at first seems like two peas in a pod similar to Zum from six years ago. However, after completing several missions, you will find that the toad no longer rotates on the “patch”, but moves horizontally on a perch (an elegant nod to the “Luxor”!). And after another dozen missions, the frog will have to jump from one firing platform to another in order to fire at all sections of the winding “route”.

The regular game mode "Adventure" is divided into chapters of ten missions. At the end of each chapter there is a fight with a guardian idol. Yes, there are now bosses in the game! The guardian idols in Zuma`s Revenge are very colorful, not at all scary and love to talk. And how funny they swear when they are defeated!

For the added convenience of the player, checkpoints have been introduced in the middle of the chapter. Even after losing all your lives, you can start the game not from the beginning, but from the last level, so named.

At the same time, it cannot be said that the game has become easier. The increasing complexity of levels in Zuma has not gone away. And even a few new bonus balls do not save the situation. By the middle of the game you begin to regret that the concept of “check point” does not apply to every level.

By the way, about new bonuses. There are only three of them, but what ones! A volley of three balls at once will help thin out the chains and save an almost hopeless situation. The rays shooting directly from the eyes of our toad will burn several balls of your choice. You can also use lasers to grab the prize sphere - “burning out” the ball is equivalent to normal destruction. But the coolest bonus is, of course, lightning. It allows you to incinerate all the stones of the same color as the one you fire it at!

Bonus spheres in Zuma`s Revenge randomly appear as the chain of balls moves. If you hesitate and don’t take the useful items, they disappear in twenty seconds.

There are also prizes that appear with a characteristic jingle, also for a short time, in certain places of the level. True, now they look like fruit, but the essence is the same - a noticeable plus for points and a breakthrough on the Zuma drive scale. And still, you still have to be able to “finish the shot” before the prize. The presence of one or even several chains of moving balls in front of the prize turns it into an excellent distraction.

Pressing the spacebar pauses the game, although the balls are hidden. When emergency exiting via Alt-F4, the game neatly saves the current state.

The music in the game is the same as in the original Zuma - fiery Latin American tunes, albeit with a noticeable tropic twist. And, it seems, there are more melodies.

Adventure only has six chapters. But, as in the previous hit from PopCap Games, completing the regular part of the game opens up access to additional fun. After defeating the first boss, Challenge mode will open. Here you need to complete levels in such a way as to score a certain amount of points in a fixed period of time. Moreover, the mentioned amount is presented in two versions: challenge (Challenge) and prize (Ace). The credit, as you might guess, is an amount sufficient to qualify for completing the level, and the prize is designed for the player’s self-affirmation. Of course, typing it is not just difficult, but damn difficult (pun intended! :)). So that life does not seem like honey, the difficulty gradually increases as you progress through the level. Don't miss the multiplexer spheres!

And after finishing the main game (Adventure), the Heroic Frog mode will be at your service. The same levels, but their complexity is much higher. Just right for mouse virtuosos.

For those who find the “heroic frog” not challenging enough, the Iron Frog mode is in store. The player is given only one life, with which he needs to go through as many as ten levels of mind-blowing complexity.

All the player’s achievements are carefully recorded in the Tiki Temple. Detailed statistics are collected, broken down by game mode. From the time spent playing the game, and the number of “deaths”, to the most “deadly” boss and the level rich in losses.

In general, the developers did their best to throw a “a bear came and dispersed everyone” party for their competitors. And we can state with satisfaction that they were successful in this event. After the release of Zuma's Revenge, the epigones will have to squeak their brains hard to come up with something new in this area.

There are no codes in Zuma`s Revenge, but there is still the opportunity to cheat in order to pass a persistently “unable” level. In the location \directory where the game is installed\levels\ in separate folders there are... no, not entire levels, but files responsible for the trajectory of the balls, their variety and the amount required to fill the “Zuma” indicator. In general, for the difficulty of the level. Therefore, if, for example, you copy the Jungle1.dat file from the Jungle1 directory to the City6 folder, renaming it city6.dat (the original city6.dat can be renamed *.bak before this), then completing the level will be greatly simplified. Of course, this doesn’t work well everywhere, for example, you can’t get through the “perch” and “jumping” levels in such a rush, you have to select similar *.dat from the early chapters.

mega-attractive design and excellent graphics;
simple and addictive gameplay;
bosses who are pleasant in all respects.

the levels could still be more diverse;
in high resolution the game slows down excessively;
winning depends not only on reaction and eye, but also on chance.

Rating: 9.0.


The triumphant return of the megahit of yesteryear. PopCap once again showed everyone how to make “casual” games. The office plankton is rejoicing, the bosses are preparing to count their losses. Ribbit, gentlemen, ribbit!