Before purchasing Total War: WARHAMMER on PC, be sure to check the system requirements provided by the developer with your system configuration. Remember that the minimum requirements often mean that with this configuration the game will launch and run reliably at minimum quality settings. If your PC meets the recommended requirements, you can expect stable gameplay at high graphics settings. If you want to play at quality set to “ultra”, the hardware in your PC must be even better than the developers indicate in the recommended requirements.

Below are the system requirements of Total War: WARHAMMER, officially provided by the project developers. If you think there is an error in them, please let us know by clicking the exclamation mark on the right side of the screen and briefly describing the error.

Minimum configuration:

  • OS: Windows 7 64Bit
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz
  • Memory: 3 GB
  • Video: AMD Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB, NVIDIA GTS 450 1024 MB, Intel HD4000 720P
  • HDD: 35 GB of free space
  • OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 64Bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4570 3.2 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • Video: AMD Radeon R9 270X 2 GB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 2 GB
  • HDD: 35 GB of free space

In addition to checking the system requirements of Total War: WARHAMMER with your PC configuration, do not forget to update your video card drivers. It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of unfound and unfixed errors.

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There are only a few weeks left before the release of the long-awaited strategy, and the developers are more and more generously giving us fresh information every day. Let's look at everything in order.

The first on our list is a gameplay video where the developers captured a battle scene between a horde of evil orcs with a bunch of nasty goblins and the knights of the Bretonnia faction, which, by the way, is not a game. In this ruthless battle, the greenskin brigade naturally wins. No, really, who can resist their expressive smiles, causing an irresistible desire to leave the battlefield while all the bones are intact?

Overall, the trailer wasn't very impressive. We can only say thank you to him for demonstrating the fighters of Bretonnia and for showing combat mechanics coupled with magic spells.

We won’t be satisfied with gameplay videos alone, so for dessert the developers have prepared for us a very cold dish, taken from the dark depths of ancient graves, but nevertheless it is exquisite and tastes good, like the blood of a young maiden.

In the long-forgotten lands of Sylvania, SOMETHING was lurking, exuding the stench of cemeteries and many burials, and now it has awakened - true evil, knowing no compassion and mercy. It accumulated its strength, bided its time, becoming more and more powerful every day. Now the time has come for them to come out into the light and plunge it into darkness. The name of this evil is vampires.

It would seem like throwing garlic at an army of bloodsuckers and leaving quietly with the peasants from a neighboring village to go fishing, taking with them two barrels of hops and Zinochka, a maid from the lord’s palace. But not only do these undead do not react to the garlic aroma, but they also bit a detachment of guards, turning them into their servants.

Kill them, don’t kill them - they still rise from their graves at the will of the necromancer and after that turn your army into the dead, who will later join the legions of zombies and skeletons of the evil army. But even such immortal beings have their weaknesses. For example, they have no long-range units at all - only close combat, only hardcore. So you can safely throw arrows at them until they come within arm's reach of you. And then, if your army is not able to look death in the eye and not be horrified, you can run.

The developers are going to pamper us with more than one undead creature. Fans of short men who work all their lives in mines, extracting minerals with sweat and blood, will be delighted. After all, another gaming faction has become a race gnomes. But these are no longer those good-natured creatures who love to tell stories over a glass of beer. The war has embittered them, and now they take great pleasure in poisoning their enemies with sharp blades.

The dwarves pursue only two goals: to return under their control the citadels in the Badlands that belonged to them since the time of their great-grandfathers, and to deal with everyone recorded in the Book of Grievances, where everyone who dared to stand in their way is entered, having clearly underestimated their power. Yes, they may not naturally make ideal jack-of-all-trades fighters, but their engineering talents are beyond all praise. The formidable artillery of the dwarves and the stone in place will not leave the location of enemy units. And iron discipline and loyalty to duty turns their army into a single indestructible monolith.

The threat comes not only from the ground and enemy battlements, but also from the expanse of the blue sky. After all, somewhere out there, behind the clouds, there are creepy creatures that have wings from birth. They are waiting for the right moment to rain down death on you from the heavens. So if you want to save your life and save your army from defeat, look at the heights more often, otherwise suddenly someone will fly from there.

The vampire faction has the most powerful celestial cavalry. Their flying beasts can deservedly be given the title of kings of the skies. What are they worth? wargheists- sort of overgrown gargoyles, capable of bringing down a small group of enemy soldiers with a flap of their wings, or terroristgeists - winged creatures with teeth as sharp as sharpened steel, restoring their strength at the expense of their victims. I don’t think it’s worth talking about skeletal dragons, since everyone understands that these birds are worth an entire army of elite fighters.

Players will have to shed blood in the name of their faction in the vastness of the Old World. This world is truly huge and beautiful. Wandering through its back streets, we will be able to admire the specific beauty of the dead steppes, where the wars of the greenskins found their refuge, breathe fresh mountain air in the campaign of the dwarves, wander along the cobbled streets of the cities of Bretonnia, go to excavations in an ancient mausoleum, taking with us a bunch of garlic, fry a barbecue on top of a volcano - in general, the whole world is at your feet. Go and conquer it!

At least a little interested in the game, right? But are you afraid that your iron comrade will not be able to launch this creation? Especially for you, the system requirements of the game:

Total War: WARHAMMER system requirements:

OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo (3 GHz)
RAM: 3 GB*
AMD Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB), NVIDIA GTS 450 (1 GB) or Intel HD 4000.
Disk space: 35 GB
*Attention! To work with integrated video cards (for example, Intel HD) 4 GB of RAM is required.

OS: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit)
CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 (3.20 GHz)
Video card supporting DirectX 11: AMD Radeon R9 270X (2 GB) or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (2 GB).
Disk space: 35 GB

(over 60 frames per second with Ultra graphics settings)
Operating system: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit)
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 (4 GHz)
Video card supporting DirectX 11: AMD Fury X or NVIDIA GTX 980
Disk space: 35 GB

Well, will your mechanical friend pull this creation? Yes? This is simply wonderful! To celebrate, you can also order the collector's edition, if, of course, you are completely imbued with the atmosphere of the game, and they also offer a good drinking horn.
  • Collectible box-artbook in the form of the book of the High King;
  • Dwarven drinking horn on a stand;
  • Map of the game world on canvas;
  • Touchstone amulet;
  • Ring of Resentment;
  • Game disc in a hammered metal case;
  • Exclusive guide from the developers on game tactics (in Russian).

  • Are you sad that the game will be filled with paid ones? DLC? We hasten to dissuade you of this. As the developers stated, long after the release, players will be expected to receive free additions that will open up new units, heroes, lords and entire races. But this, most likely, will be just a tablespoon of freebies in a barrel of paid content, which for a certain amount will open new chapters for players in the story campaign on behalf of new factions.

    Release Total War: WARHAMMER scheduled for May 24, 2016. And, as the creative director of the project said, “This will be the best game in the series.”

    So let's wait, gentlemen.

    Creative Assembly studio announced the system requirements of the Total War: Warhammer II strategy, and also clarified what performance this or that hardware will provide.

    So, for the minimum configuration, the expected performance is 25-35 frames per second with “low” graphics quality and a resolution of 1280x720 on the campaign map in 1v1 battles and 20v20 squad battles. The configuration itself is as follows:

    • operating system: Windows 7 (64-bit);
    • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo with a clock frequency of 3 GHz;
    • RAM: 4 GB or 5 GB (for built-in video cards, for example, Intel HD series);
    • video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460, AMD Radeon HD 5770 or Intel HD 4000;
    • video memory: 1 GB;
    • : 60 GB.

    • operating system: Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 (64-bit);
    • CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 clocked at 3.2 GHz;
    • RAM: 8 GB;
    • video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R9 270X;
    • video memory: 2 GB;
    • free hard disk space: 60 GB.

    Finally, if you want to play at ultra settings with a resolution of 1080p and 60 frames per second, you will have to get an Intel Core i7-4790K processor with a clock speed of 4 GHz and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card with 8 GB of memory. In addition, the developers presented a table with detailed graphics settings. All indicators can be changed manually, including enabling maximum smoothing. The following settings are applied automatically when you select the appropriate menu item.







    Texture filtering


    Anisotr. 4x

    Anisotr. 8x

    Anisotr. 16x

    Texture quality

    Screen Space Allocation Algorithm (SSAO)

    Depth of field


    Unit quality

    Quality of buildings

    Shadow quality

    Tree quality

    Grass quality

    Water quality

    Unit size

    Effect quality

    Landscape quality

    Vert. synchronization


    Focus area


    Interface scale

    Unlimited video memory


    Although the game's engine is the same as the first part, technically the sequel is somewhat different. "Total War: Warhammer II has been further optimized to improve performance and will therefore support the game on a significantly larger number of systems."- said the authors. They also specifically mentioned the use of the following technologies:

    • improved screen space lighting algorithm (SSAO);
    • a new volumetric fog system that makes the air denser to create a three-dimensional light effect;
    • new sharpening filter;
    • Improved handling of wet surfaces for certain models and their features.

    Total War: Warhammer II is the second part of the trilogy, which will offer a combination of large-scale battles in real time with an exciting global turn-based strategy dedicated to government, politics, creating and strengthening your own empire. The release on PC will take place on September 28 this year. You can pre-order it on Steam for 1,799 rubles.