A sales script is a sequence of actions prescribed in special regulations that prescribes to the manager how to communicate with the client in a given situation. This is a written or visual script (algorithm) for interaction with new and regular customers.

are standards of communication in many commercial firms. In order for the sales department to work more efficiently, the manager needs to prescribe separate algorithms for each stage of interaction with a potential client. Let's figure it out together which scripting programs are best to use.

Available programs for creating simple scripts
  • If you have a small company, a small sales department and only one segment of the target audience, you can write your own script in the free sales script builder:
text editor Word. The sequence of actions (steps) of managers will be presented in the form of a table with 2 columns (manager's speech and client's speech) or a numbered list.
  • Such a script can be quickly scrolled from top to bottom and easily edited. To make searching easier, text blocks should be provided with hyperlinks. Disadvantage: managers will be constantly distracted by searching for the necessary information, which greatly slows down the process of conversation with the buyer.

  • intellectual map Mind Map. The generated algorithm is a tree of connections, where all information is clearly structured. Disadvantage: inconvenient search for blocks, long scrolling between branches of the map;
  • program for creating websites, books and scripts Turbo Site. Using a visual editor, you can create a simple scheme of manager actions without understanding programming;
  • Sale Script editor. In addition to ready-made scripts, the program allows you to create your own interaction algorithms, view and edit them.
The written scenarios are diagrams of the manager’s questions and the buyer’s expected answers.
The head of the sales department has the right to configure access to the finished script. For the algorithm to work correctly, the created diagram should be looped - a target action should be written that ends the interaction with the buyer. While creating a script in Sale Script, you will be able to:
  1. Create connections between different text blocks;
  2. Write any number of answers to one question;
  3. Link an answer option to just one question (a drawback of the script generator).
Unlike Word and Excel, you get visual scripts that automatically align as you edit. When adding new blocks, the cells do not overlap each other.

Creating a Multi-Choice Scenario in Sales Elevator

Companies that provide a wide range of services or sell products to different groups of customers usually require a large number of scripts. They can be created quickly and inexpensively in Sales Elevator, a paid program for creating sales scripts and working with them.
The cost of use is only 16 rubles per employee per day. Conversation scripts are mind maps. After creation, any work scheme can be played in test mode by clicking the “Run script” button. If you work in the B2B field, write down the manager’s tasks in separate scripts (for communication with the secretary and the decision maker). Then set up automatic transition between scripts. When the opponent changes, the manager will immediately see a new conversation scenario.
Features of the paid program:
  1. Creating fields for customer comments directly in the diagram;
  2. Availability of built-in search for finding the necessary conversation blocks;
  3. Manual recording of objections that were not provided for in the script;
  4. Automatic recording of the most frequently asked questions from clients;
  5. Adding comments from managers.
Integration of Sales Elevator with an automated system allows you to create new contacts and deals directly from sales scripts. All outgoing and incoming calls are recorded by the program and included in statistics. The head of the sales department can view a report on any script and evaluate its effectiveness.

Script ON – convenient sales scripts in html format

If you have prepared a telephone conversation script on paper or in Word, but want to make it more visual and effective, add the finished script to Script ON - a ready-made call script constructor with a free 10-day period of use. The paid tariff starts from 990 rubles per month. Generate call scripts together with all employees of the sales department, the program does not require training, all interaction patterns are saved automatically.
Advantages of a paid generator:
  • easy to edit ready-made scripts;
  • there is no limit on the number of scripts;
  • you can order the help of a professional scriptologist;
  • the created algorithms are available for copying and downloading;
  • The program is compatible with any operating systems and mobile devices.

Telesales script builder Hyper Script

If you want to not only create convenient scripts, but also track their effectiveness, try the Hyper Script builder.
The developer offers a month of free use of the program without restrictions on functionality:
  1. Add new conversation threads at any time;
  2. Remove unnecessary blocks with one click;
  3. Configure user access to the created interaction algorithms (access is registered through the manager’s email);
  4. Analyze the conversion of individual blocks and phrases.
By integrating the program with amoCRM, you will be able to assign tasks to managers directly from the script, track weaknesses in work scenarios and correct them in a timely manner.

Ready-made templates and individual scripts in Script Designer

Script Designer is a unique program for working with scripts that allows you to generate visual algorithms for free for 2 weeks, analyze their effectiveness and monitor managers’ adherence to these scripts. Built-in speech analytics captures new objections that were not built into the script.
The program generates written reports on incoming and outgoing calls: the beginning and end of the conversation, the result, the responsible manager, and also records conversations.
The manager sees how many calls were made for each script, how many of them were successful, and how many conversations did not take place. The program records what phrases the manager managed to utter before the script broke (an objection that the employee was unable to close). In this regard, you can correct the text of conversations at the stage where the script broke down.
If necessary, you can listen to any part of the conversation between the sales department and the client, this is especially true for conversations where a failure occurred. Results from using the paid program:
  1. In-depth marketing study of the sales department;
  2. Analysis of atypical client objections;
  3. Monitoring the deviation of the manager’s speech from the prescribed regulations;
  4. Detailed analysis of script effectiveness.
The paid tariff starts from 500 rubles per month and allows one employee to use the software, the maximum number of users is 10, the cost of the monthly tariff is 2930 rubles.

Integrate ready-made sales scenarios into crm with CallHerper

CallHerper is a visual editor that allows you to create visual sales algorithms in the form of separate nodes. The node represents the manager's speech with several options for the buyer's response. To search for the desired phrase, the manager does not need to scroll through the screen; all possible answer options are displayed on the screen in the form of icons. The employee clicks on the icon and a window with information opens.
The script editor allows you to:
  • add contact lists to the program;
  • customize fields to suit business needs;
  • format the conversation text;
  • register statuses for contacts;
  • add themed icons and colors for nodes;
  • write tags.
Nodes with important information can be added to the quick access menu. You can set up automatic transitions between different conversation blocks.
Advantages of a paid designer: easy to edit ready-made algorithms, ability to assign tasks to employees from a script, call efficiency analytics. CallHerper integrates with amoCRM - now you can create scripts without leaving the automated system or load ready-made algorithms into the database.
Using CallHerper, you will be able to analyze the effectiveness of calls and scripts: their duration and results, the number of transitions for each branch of the script, comments from those conducting the dialogue. The developer suggests using the editor as a separate constructor or as an additional block of an automated system. The cost of monthly use is 665 rubles. For this price, no more than 50 managers will be able to use the editor.

Brief conclusions about the article

Drawing up work scenarios is a complex and labor-intensive process. A scenario once created cannot work for years - competitive goods and services may appear on the market, buyers' budgets may decrease, and your offer will change. Free programs for creating sales scripts are primitive tools that are suitable at the initial stage of company development. With the growing number of clients/managers, expansion of the service sector and the emergence of new customer segments, you will increasingly have to prescribe new working algorithms. And here paid generators and script designers will come to the rescue. They are more visual, require less time, integrate seamlessly with CRM systems and are indispensable in the process of analyzing the effectiveness of marketing tools.

If 10-15 years ago not every business owner knew about the need to use scripts in the work of call center operators, today any serious work with a client over the phone includes following a pre-prepared script.

This approach has many advantages, and it’s not just that the operator’s work is significantly simplified and accelerated. Using scripts and corresponding services, we obtain visual statistics - instead of listening to hundreds of hours of conversations between operators and clients, identifying weak points and subsequently making adjustments to the script, it is enough to see what kind of conversion certain script options provide. By using specialized services instead of regular spreadsheets/wiki-like pages (not to mention pen and paper), optimizing agent-customer communication becomes quick and enjoyable.

Online services for creating a telephone conversation script

There are many services that allow you to create and improve scripts for specific tasks. Most ask for a certain fee for their services, although there are quite simple free solutions.

A full-fledged service for creating scripts of any complexity and for any task. Meets the needs of any call center. There are no restrictions on the number of scripts or the number of connected employees. The service is cross-platform - you can fully use it on any device with any OS.

The interface is quite intuitive, and the created scripts can work without access to the Internet. In addition, for a quick start, templates are provided, by optimizing which you can get your own unique script.

The free period provided by ScriptON is 10 days. It is noteworthy that after termination of payment for the service, the created unique scripts remain the property of the client. The most economical tariff plan offered by the service is 5-day access for 990 rubles.

A distinctive feature of CallHelper is that the service is available not only in stand-alone form, but also as an integral part of such CRMs as Bitrix24, amoCRM and Megaplan. Like any full-fledged script designer, CallHelper automates the process of working with a client, accessing CRM databases at the right moments and providing detailed statistics on all stages of the call.

The trial period of CallHelper is 15 days. Tariff plans are flexible and allow you to work with the service either independently (using the manuals provided) or with the direct support of company specialists, which will cost more. The minimum cost of access to the service is 650 rubles for 1 month.

Completely free script creation service. An extremely simple interface, the absence of additional functionality typical of “adult” products, and most importantly – it is free – make this service an excellent choice for small companies that do not have enough budget to implement full-fledged systems.

The service performs its main task, namely generating scripts, without any complaints. The developer continues to improve the product, insisting that, despite the development of the project, SaleScript will remain free. In essence, this is the only free script generator that adequately copes with its main function.

A good product that allows you to quickly create and optimize scripts, as well as collect statistical information about the conversion and performance of each operator. The big advantage of HyperScript is a whole month of free use, after which individual tariffs are developed.

A flexible script designer with the ability to identify problem areas in conversations between operators and clients. Integration with CRM systems and ready-made scripts for various types of calls are provided. ScriptDesigner is one of the most financially accessible products - access to full functionality starts from 500 rubles per month.

Basic principles of writing a conversation script for a call center operator

Let us immediately note that there cannot be universal scripts - everything depends entirely on the needs of the company, and most importantly, on what the target audience is. If you have a good idea of ​​your target audience and know who the decision maker (decision maker) is, then you should not have any problems with the preparation and subsequent optimization of the script.

The basic framework of any script looks like this:

1. Greeting

“Hello”, “Good afternoon”, etc.

2. Presentation

“My name is Nikolay, companyX».

3. Reason for calling

“You contacted us a year ago,” “You tried to place an order on the website,” “Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov recommended that we contact you,” etc.

4. Description of how your conversation will proceed

“I propose to do this ...” - then you should explain what exactly the client will receive during the conversation. It is also important to make it clear to the interlocutor that no one will insist on selling and your business is to simply ask if he needs a certain service or product.

5. Questions

Ask your client questions that will help you better understand what exactly he really needs. Such questions may concern the size of the budget, the timing of a project, and so on.

6. Forks

One of the key elements of any script. You need to calculate all possible answers to customer questions and objections, maximizing the chances of a successful outcome of the conversation. This can be done by having relevant experience in communicating with your target audience. A script optimized in this way can significantly increase conversion.

Drawing conclusions

The choice of script creation method is directly related to the needs of a particular company. In cases where the operator’s work is really extremely simple and monotonous, he can easily get by with a piece of paper and a pen. In all other cases, you need to choose a service of a scale that meets the needs of the call center.

With this article you will not learn to program or even write a program as such, but you will find here excellent VBS scripts and BAT files that you can easily write in a regular Windows notepad, which you can improve in your own way, and then show off to your friends and family. Perhaps this will cheer you up and you will have a great time.

Most similar scripts are written for convenience and automation of any actions on a computer running Windows. The scripts presented below will not be very useful (maybe it seems so to me), but they are perfect for an initial acquaintance with “coding”. You'll have a great time surprising both yourself and fellow dummies (non-programmers), plus this is another good option.

Some terminology:

  • VBS is a programming language for creating scripts in Windows OS, created/edited in Windows Notepad, has ".vbs" permission. I think there is no point in continuing, because it will say little, especially to beginners. For those interested - .
  • BAT is a batch file, popularly just a “batch file”. File extension ".bat". Further similar - .

These extensions (vbs, bat) files are created in the well-known Windows Notepad (Notepad). For greater convenience in creating scripts, it is recommended to use an improved (let's say) notepad - Notepad++. It is convenient for syntax highlighting of a large number of programming languages. If this doesn’t mean much to you, then download and write in it - you will make fewer errors in the code, or it will be easier to find them than in the same little-functional Windows Notepad.

For clarity, an example (on the left is Windows Notepad, on the right is Notepad++):

Let's get started

If you are already familiar with VBS scripts and batch files, then most likely the following examples will not be interesting to you, but if you are a beginner, then for an initial introduction this is what you need.

Let's teach a computer to say hello

  1. Open Notepad (or Notepad Plus Plus).
  2. Copy and paste the code:

    Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
    sapi.Speak "Hello!"

  3. Mandatory condition: the quotes must be “like this”, “Christmas trees” will not work, the script will not be processed and an error will appear. Instead of the word "Hello" you can write anything, even in Russian, if you have a Russian voice engine.
  4. Next, select File - Save as - File type - All files - name.vbs
  5. Call the file whatever you want, but don’t forget to add the extension - .vbs (example - Privet.vbs) at the end.
  6. Now try to test your script - double-click the file.

One caveat: If you have written words in quotation marks in Russian letters, and when you start, something is pronounced incomprehensibly, then you simply do not have the Russian voice engine installed. Detailed installation and configuration of the voice engine is beyond the scope of our article, so read more in detail and come back here again.

Now, let’s do the following: we’ll add this script to startup, which means that when you start the computer, the word(s) written in the program will be spoken to you; if, as in the example, it will say “Hello” every time you turn on the computer. How to do it?

It’s simple, you can add a program (script) to startup in the same way, that is, through the same VBS script. Create a file in Notepad, copy/paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V) the following code:

Dim vOrg, objArgs, root, key, WshShell
root = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"
KeyHP = "Program"
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite root+keyHP,"C:\Privet.vbs /autorun"

We change the path to the "talker" script, this line - C:\Privet.vbs to our own. We write down where you have this script and what it is called. Next, save the newly created mini program in Notepad and run it. That's it, now the computer will greet you every time you turn it on.

Open drive

  1. Open notepad. Copy/Paste the following code:

    Set a = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    Set b = a.CdromCollection
    Set c = b.Item(0)
    Set d = c.Eject

  2. Save with extension .vbs
  3. Run the script and the drive will open.

There is a more interesting modification of this script:

Set WMPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")

In this case, the CD/DVD drive will open and close all the time; on laptops, in this case, it will open after each time it is closed.

Attention! The second code (opening and closing the drive) is seen by some antiviruses as a malicious program. Kaspersky Anti-Virus (including ) sees it exactly like this and destroys it immediately. In the first case (simply opening the drive) it is not a malicious script for antivirus programs.

To stop automatically opening and closing the drive, you must:

  1. Launch task manager ( - Ctrl+Alt+Del).
  2. Go to the "Processes" tab.
  3. Find the wscript.exe process - right mouse button - end the process.

A game

An interesting find from the Internet - a game on VBS. You need to guess a number from 0 to 100. When you start the script, the script automatically sets (solves) the number that you need to guess and enter in a special window; if you answer incorrectly, hints are given, for example, less or more.

Below is the same code that needs to be copied and pasted into notepad, then saved (extension .vbs).

You can also change messages in your own way; everything written in Cyrillic can be edited without problems. Don't be afraid to break the code. Experiment. If something happens, copy the working code again from here.

Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set y = Nothing
a = 0
u = 0
Number = Int((RND*99)+1)
MsgBox "I guessed a number from 1 to 100, try to guess",64,"Guessing Game"
a = a + 1
c = InputBox("Guess the number" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Try: " & a & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "To see the results, enter the number!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Leave the field blank to exit" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf," Guessing game")
If c = "!" Then CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "notepad C:\Windows\Result.dll",3,True: Exit Do
If c<>""Then
If IsNumeric(c) = True Then
If CInt(c)< Number Then MsgBox "Нет,это не " & c & ". Я загадал число больше",64,"Угадайка"
If CInt(c) > Number Then MsgBox "No, this is not " & c & ". I guessed a number less",64,"Guessing Game"
If CInt(c) = Number Then
Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
MsgBox("Number of attempts: " & a)
If MsgBox ("That's right, it was the number " & c & ". Should I start over?",36,"Guess") = 6 Then Exit Do Else WScript.Quit
End If
MsgBox "This is not a number!",16,"Guessing Game"
a = a - 1
End If
a = a - 1
l = MsgBox ("You did not enter anything. Exit the program?",36,"Guess")
If l = 6 Then WScript.Quit
End If

Well, before moving on to body files (.BAT), let’s use the most useful VBS script of all those listed in this article.

Script closing wscript.exe

The script itself:

Set TaskKill = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
TaskKill.Run "TaskKill /f /im wscript.exe"

Essentially, it does the same thing that was explained a little higher in the task manager, as for example you can’t just take and close the annoying script that opens and closes the disk drive, but by running this script, all running ones will be closed. It's like knocking out a wedge with a wedge.

We got a little acquainted with VBS scripts and how to write them in notepad, now let’s look at several examples of using BAT files (hereinafter referred to as a batch file).

A very simple body file consisting of just one line.

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. We write the following code:

    shutdown -s -t 1 -c -f

  3. Next File - Save as - name.bat
  4. Pay attention to the file extension, this is no longer a VBS script, but a batch file, so we write .bat at the end of the name (Example compoff.bat).
  5. We launch the newly created batch file by double-clicking the mouse and the computer will turn off (Shutdown).

There is this code option:

shutdown -r -t 1 -c -f

We write everything in the same way in notepad, save it with the .bat extension and after starting the computer will reboot (normal computer reboot).

Uninstalling updates

This batch file will be useful if you already . What's the point? This batch file lists commands for removing several updates, as the name suggests - telemetry updates, or just one of the system’s spyware things, we once already talked about how to disable , in this case you simply create a batch file, copy the code below into the contents and run , after which the listed updates will be removed.

echo Step 1: Delete Updates Telemetry
wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart

This way you can remove absolutely any update, even annoying ones KB971033 which checks .

There are many different scripts on the Internet that are supposedly harmless, but be careful before you try an unknown script, some of them can do harm, for example, making changes to the registry, and in case of any errors the system will generate errors, in which case you will have to or Windows or do a system restore.

Let's figure out how sales scripts are usually created?

In my practice, I usually come across 3 ways of writing and designing sales scripts. Let's look at these methods in order. Write in the comments whether you use sales scripts and, if YES, how exactly you do it.

First way. Handwritten script.

You can write a sales script (or at least an approximate script for communicating with a client) on a piece of paper, put it in front of you and use it as a cheat sheet during a conversation with a client.

It might look like this:

There are no costs on your part.

But the effectiveness of such scripts leaves much to be desired:

  • there are no different conversation scenarios provided here and there is no description for working out objections (and if you do, it will take up a lot of space and make it difficult to use the script);
  • Perhaps only the one who wrote it can use such a script. It is difficult to replicate it on new employees;
  • there is no systematic approach to telephone sales, which I talk about on the online 10 calls - 10 sales.

This method may be appropriate when you make one-time calls to some clients and, in order not to miss anything, write down the contents of the conversation.

Unfortunately, this method is often used in many small and medium-sized businesses. This usually happens when the telephone sales system is not set up and managers make calls as best they can and use the tools that they know :-).

Second way. Sales script in office programs (Excel, Word, etc.)

A more advanced and systematic approach to implementing sales scripts is to create and use scripts in office programs such as Excel or Word (or similar).

You can write down all possible options for objections and excuses from clients, your argumentation and ways to motivate the client to make a decision “here and now” in one file, and then automate the script by creating hyperlinks.

In this case, it will be convenient for the manager to use it: he heard an objection, clicked on the link in the script, and the answer to this objection appeared on the screen.

This is exactly the principle of creating scripts that I used in the course. I analyzed not only phrases and speech patterns that increase call conversion, but also showed how to automate a script in regular Excel.

The advantages of this approach are that you do not need to pay a monthly subscription fee to use the services. Most likely, you already have Excel or Word - which means that you can create a script once and start using it with your entire sales department.

Cons - no integration with CRM systems and telephony.

Third way. Special services “Sales script designers”

Recently, special services that allow you to create sales scripts have been gaining popularity. This usually happens through the web interface.

You go to the service’s website, register, and start drawing your sales script.

It might look like this:

The picture may look complicated, but in fact the process of creating sales scripts is quite comfortable and allows even a beginner to easily navigate.

When using a script, the screen looks much simpler: there is a phrase from the manager, there are options for customer responses. The manager listens and presses the desired button.

I tested some sales script designer services and came to certain conclusions. In the next article I will share with you and review some scripting services that I liked best.

The advantages of such services, in my opinion, are

  • ease of creating scripts (everything is clear, you can literally draw a script);
  • ease of use of scripts by employees (even a beginner can easily navigate);
  • advanced analytics of working with the script (you can track at what stage the conversation with the client most often ends, what objections cause difficulties, what is the call conversion rate for each employee);
  • integration with CRM systems and telephony (many script designers support this).

As you understand, you have to pay for such conveniences. There is usually a monthly subscription fee for each manager who uses the system.

In the following articles I will tell you more about sales script designers.

We have developed an easy-to-use but very convenient platform for generating dialogue scenarios for operators, managers and specialists based on a web interface. At http://cwsl.contact-centr.ru:81 you can see how our platform works and see an example of a dialogue script (login admin password 123456).

The dialogue script consists of separate frames. Each frame consists of text information and answer options. The answer options lead to other frames. Each answer option can contain a comment. Comments can be either plain text or a custom list. Comments may or may not be required. Some answer option fields may be grouped together so that they require simultaneous completion.

Frames are configured through a convenient web interface.

For each call and dialogue, statistics include information about the dialed number, subscriber number, call ID, operator ID and date-time of the event. All data is located in the database, and for all actions, the results of individual frames, you can make full-fledged reports with data upload, with diagrams, etc., based on the “Infinity Call Center X” report editor.


Each frame is divided into two parts - dialogue and response options. Each answer option can be accompanied by a comment.

A comment can be either a regular text field or a drop-down list of values.

Response fields can be grouped together to require multiple fields to be completed at the same time when moving to the next frame. For example, such fields could be full name, contact telephone number, work experience and desired vacancy.

To move to the next frame, you must fill in all fields marked with an asterisk as required.

The list of frames can be edited. This is done through a web form. No complexity, no programming. Each frame has a number, title, dialog text, and answer options.

Answer options are added when editing the frame. Answer options have an answer text, a type, a mandatory comment flag, a transition to frame flag, and a response combination flag.

Editing the answer option occurs in a convenient window.

The slide shows answer options that are grouped in place into one combined answer. the transition through all of them leads to the same frame.

If the comment fields are a list, then this list can be conveniently edited.


A report can be generated for any transition from frames in the form of a table

Or as a diagram

The report can be generated by selecting any item from the transition comment drop-down list in the form of a table

Or as a diagram

The system allows you to generate analytical reports

The entire history of transitions is stored in a data bank with reference to the call, subscriber number, dialed number, comment field, operator, date and time.


The cost of the program is modular. For detailed information please contact our sales department. We are ready to send a detailed description and presentation or conduct a demonstration.