Hello, dear readers. Of course, you know that today is Good Friday and you can’t do anything? Not just “nothing”, but in general. Now add to this that today is also FRIDAY the 13th... Got it? We sit in our houses and don’t move.

So what can you do? Some comrades start drinking strong drinks right from the very morning, and I suggest you get acquainted with this wonderful player PotPlayer and spend this passionate day watching quality films or TV series. Who knows, maybe you will like it more than GomPlayer?

A distinctive feature of PotPlayer is the presence of a huge number of various settings. An unplowed field for those who like to experiment and remake programs for themselves. But that doesn't make it complicated or difficult to use. Everything about it is functional and simple at the same time.

Many built-in covers and color schemes, support for almost any , excellent picture and sound quality, the ability to record sound or video in a separate file, adjust the transparency of the entire player or individual elements... and much more - all this is PotPlayer.

Personally, I was always interested in the question - why does this player have such a name - PotPlayer(PotPlayer)? For some reason, the following two thoughts immediately come to mind: either it is so crammed with various features and functions that it even sweats when it works, or its author is Harry Potter.

You are probably already accustomed to the fact that I find for you improved versions of common programs on the Internet, or at least an improved installer for these programs. So today I’m giving you all the possible versions of this player in one bottle. During installation, the bit depth of your system will be determined automatically, and you will also be able to choose a regular installation or a portable one. I repeat - everything is in one file. Here is the link to download it...

Download PotPlayer: 31.6 MB

The first item is “Installation”, this is a regular installation, and “Unpacking” is a portable version. I don’t recommend checking the bottom box, otherwise all audio files will be launched using PotPlayer, but do you need it? After all, there is an excellent music player AIMP 3, created specifically for this purpose.

A player shortcut has appeared on the desktop, which you can easily drag to your convenient Nexus Quick Launch Toolbar.

It’s simply not realistic to describe all the settings that can be changed - there are a lot of them. If there are a lot of questions, I’ll write an additional article, but I think there won’t be any, because everything is in Russian.

To access the settings, just click the RIGHT mouse button in the player window, or press the F5 key ON THE KEYBOARD.

On the left side you see a list of settings, and by clicking on the plus signs you will get even more of them.

Remember, we didn’t check the box to associate the player with audio and video files? So in this place you can assign only video files for association with PotPlayer. All videos will be opened automatically by this player.

And in this window you will find a huge number of covers. Customizing color schemes is also here.

As you can see, you can adjust the format and quality of audio recording from a movie, for example. A very convenient “trick” - you liked a song in a movie or a funny phrase and you can save it to your computer in 2 seconds. I do like this ringtones for mobile phones without the help of third party programs.

That's all for today. It’s Good Friday, and I’ve been writing an article for you for three hours now—I won’t anger the “top” management and call it a day.

Have a peaceful day and evening with PotPlayer.

If you need to take a screenshot of a video that is currently playing in the player, you can take a screenshot using the player itself, without using other programs. A screenshot, or otherwise a screenshot, is an image that is currently displayed on the monitor screen, saved on the computer.

In our case, it will be necessary to cut a frame from the video in order to subsequently save it as an image on the computer.

Why might you need such a screenshot of the player? This image can be used in an article, presentation, made as the background image of your monitor's desktop, used as a cover image, etc. A snapshot of the frame will be taken from a movie, video or training video and saved as an image on the user's computer.

Almost all popular multimedia players have a function for creating screenshots. Unfortunately, the function of taking player screenshots is not provided in Windows Media Player (Windows Media Player).

Before you take a photo of a video from the player window, you will first need to find the desired frame, and then pause the video playback in the player, because during playback, it will not be easy to take the necessary photo in time.

Now we will look at the process of taking pictures from a playing video using popular free media players: Media Player Classic Home Cinema, VLC media player, KMPlayer, GOM Player, BSPlayer, Light Alloy, Daum PotPlayer.

How to take a screenshot in Media Player Classic Home Cinema

To create a snapshot of a video in Media Player Classic Home Cinema, you will need to go to the “File” menu and select “Save Image...” from the context menu. You can also take a photo of a video using the “Alt” + “I” keys on your keyboard.

How to take a screenshot in VLC media player

In VLC media player (VideoLAN), to take a screenshot you will need to start playing the video. Next, you will need to enter the “Video” menu, and in the context menu that opens, click on the “Take a picture” item.

You can also take a snapshot of the player window using the “Shift” + “S” keys on the keyboard. This key combination can be changed if necessary.

To do this, go to the “Tools” menu and select “Settings” in the context menu. In the “Settings” window, you will need to open the “Hot Keys” tab, and then in the “Action” section, change the key combination in the “Take a freeze frame” item. After the change, you need to click on the “Save” button.

By default, the player screenshot will be saved in the Images library. You can change the settings for saving screenshots in the “Video” tab. In the “Video Images” section, you can select the directory to save the images, as well as the format (JPG and PNG are supported).

How to take a screenshot in KMPlayer

The KMPlayer has several options for saving snapshots from videos. After right-clicking in the player window, a context menu will open in which you will need to move the mouse cursor to the “Capture” item.

This will open a submenu in which you can select an option to save a snapshot of the video file that is playing in the media player.

You can take a screenshot by clicking on the corresponding item or using the corresponding buttons on the keyboard.

  • “Capture source frame...” or “Ctrl” + “E” - a window opens for selecting the location and format for saving the image (JPG, PNG, BMP).
  • “Quick frame capture” or “Ctrl” + “A” - the screenshot is saved in the default folder.
  • “Copy frame to clipboard” or “Ctrl” + “C” - the picture will be saved to the clipboard.

Similar operations also occur when adding the “Alt” button to the key combination.

By default, the program saves pictures in the “Capture” folder, which is located in the “The KMPlayer” folder located in the “My Documents” folder. You will be able to select a different folder to save the image.

In addition, the resulting image can be made the background image of your desktop. To do this, you will need to select the “Set as desktop picture” context menu item. In the submenu that opens, you can select the option of placing the image on the Desktop of your computer.

How to take a screenshot in GOM Player

When playing a video in GOM Media Player, after selecting the desired frame, pause the video. Then you will need to right-click in the player window, and then select “Video” from the context menu.

When you select the “Screenshot…” item, a window will open in which you can select options for saving a screenshot from a video (JPEG, BMP formats are supported).

In GOM Player, you can also take screenshots of the player using key combinations on the keyboard:

  • “Ctrl” + “G” - opens a window for selecting the location and format for saving the image (JPEG, BMP).
  • “Ctrl” + “C” - the picture will be saved to the clipboard.
  • “Ctrl” + “E” - the screenshot will be saved in the default folder for saving screenshots in the player.

You can take a screenshot of the player as your desktop background image. To do this, select the appropriate context menu item.

How to take a screenshot in BSPlayer

When using BSPlayer (free version), you will first need to right-click in the player window. After this, a context menu will open, in which you should select the “Frame capture (screenshot)” item.

Then in the submenu you need to select the size of the player screenshot.

To configure the settings for capturing screenshots, you will need to go to the player settings. First, select the “Options” context menu item, and then “Settings”. This will open the BSPlayer Settings window. In the settings you will need to go to the “Capture frames and thumbnails” section.

Here you select the image format (JPG, BMP), folder to save, etc. By default, the program saves images in the folder with the installed program.

It will also be possible to save screenshots using keys on the keyboard. After pressing the "P" key, the image will be saved in the original size, and after pressing the "Shift" + "P" keys, the image will be captured at the current size.

How to take a screenshot in Light Alloy

In the Light Alloy player, before creating a screenshot, you should enter the player settings. From the Light Alloy Settings window, go to the Video section. In the "Video" section, open the "Screenshots" tab. In this window, make the necessary settings: select the folder to save the pictures (by default – the “Images” folder), format (JPG, BMP, PNG, WebP, WebP-LL), quality.

To take a photo in Light Alloy, you just need to press the “F12” keyboard button. After this, the screenshot will be saved in the selected folder.

How to take a screenshot in Daum PotPlayer

After stopping video playback in Daum PotPlayer, you will need to right-click in the player window. In the context menu that appears, select “Video”.

After this, the first submenu will open, in which you need to select the “Video Recording” item.

A new submenu will then open with a choice of settings for saving the photo. Here you can select the format for saving the image (BMP, JPEG, PNG), the location for saving, and make other settings.

You can activate the “Enable quick snapshot” item in order to take screenshots using the “K” key on the keyboard. To do this, go to “Settings” (F5) => “Standard settings” => “Hardware” => “Screenshot” => “Screenshot options...”.

After pressing the “K” key, a context menu will open in which you will need to select options for saving a screenshot of the player.

In Daum PotPlayer, you can also take a screenshot using the “Capture current frame | Capture", which is located on the bottom panel of the media player window.

Conclusions of the article

The user can take a screenshot of a video in the player window using popular media players, without using additional programs in Media Player Classic Home Cinema, VLC media player, KMPlayer, GOM Player, BSPlayer, Light Alloy, Daum PotPlayer.

Any program requires settings for it to work correctly. Likewise, the PotPlayer program may need adjustments, otherwise its operation will not be as good as it could be. Let's look at the basic settings of the program so that any user can improve the player's performance.

First, you need to go to the program settings in the standard way: by right-clicking in the program window and selecting the appropriate menu item.

Relationship between the parties

After entering the settings, we will change the video display parameters, namely the aspect ratio when working with the player. So, let's choose the settings so that the displayed video is displayed with the correct ratios at any screen size. Set the parameters as shown in the picture.


To make it even more convenient to display video and listen to audio, you need to set up a playlist in the program. It’s also worth checking all the boxes as shown in the screenshot. In this case, the playlist will be displayed in compressed sizes, but everything will be conveniently visible.

It’s worth saying right away that the settings in this section should be changed only with full knowledge of the matter. We will not give any advice, since everyone should install codecs for their work. But inexperienced users should set all parameters to “Recommended” mode.

Audio settings

All that is worth changing in audio is smooth switching between audio recordings. To do this, you need to set the render in the second line as in the picture and configure its parameters by clicking on the three dots next to the name.

There are also a huge number of program settings, but they should only be changed by professional users. Even amateurs will not be able to figure everything out, so it is better to leave the default settings, only changing what is indicated in the article.

Potplayer is the best video player for Windows that has the highest performance and supports many video formats
Potplayer is easy to set up and can be set up in just a couple of clicks. First of all, you need to download Potplayer
Download Potplayer (latest current version)

First settings after installation

First of all, open some video file

As we do, video rewind and sound are in their usual places. Let's make the first settings. Personally, I’m used to when you double-click on a movie and it opens in full screen. It is configured here so that there is a pause. Let's fix it.

How to open full screen by double-clicking the left key in Potplayer

Right-click on the Potplayer player and select Player options...

Now go to Mouse Actions and select Left button (double click)Stretch to full screen | Restore

Disable or enable display of Potplayer subtitles (ALT +H)

You can enable or disable subtitles (text accompaniment of a movie) in Potplayer by pressing ALT + H

Or go to Subtitles and select the action with subtitles

How to open webcam in Potplayer

Potplayer is such a cool player that in addition to watching videos, you can do a bunch of different things. For example, open the webcam. Let's open our webcam
Go to Open and select Open webcam(or press Ctrl + J)

How to enable video recording (record webcam) in Potplayer. Select Video – Video Recording – Video Recording or press Alt+C

That is, using the Ctrl + J - Alt + C - Start Recording keys you can quickly start recording your web camera.

If you click on the window, the recording will stop.
If you have grunting in your headphones or speakers, turn the Potplayer volume to minimum and everything will be ok.

How to boost your voice in Potplayer

It often happens that the audio is too quiet and needs to be amplified. Of course Potplayer has it.

To do this, select Audio – Audio Processing Filters– Strengthen your voice

You can also turn on audio enhancement. Audio – Volume controlBuilt-in regulator (recommended) And Increase Gain

This way you can synchronize video and audio if the audio does not fit into the desired frame of the video.

Download Potplayer 32/64bit current version

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