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On PC? Maybe the game crashes or slows down? You will find the solution in this article.

However, before jumping directly into the tips, you need to check if your computer meets the minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows Vista SP2, 7, 7 SP1, 8, 8.1;
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz | AMD Athlon II X2 240;
  • RAM: 2 GB;
  • Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 | ATI Radeon X1300 | Intel HD Graphics 2000;
  • DirectX 9;
  • Hard drive: 8 GB.
The recommended system requirements were slightly higher:
  • OS: Windows 7, 7 SP1, 8, 8.1;
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 530 | AMD Phenom II X4 925;
  • RAM: 4 GB;
  • Video adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 | ATI Radeon HD4830 | Intel HD Graphics 4000;
  • DirectX 9;
  • Hard drive: 8 GB.

Files, drivers and libraries

Before you start looking for your problem, you need to update your video card driver to the latest version:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of any game is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

  • download Driver Updater and run the program;
  • scan the system (usually it takes no more than five minutes);
  • Update outdated drivers with one click.
It is possible that you will need to update supporting software such as DirectX, Microsoft .NET Framework, and Microsoft Visual C++: Helper DLLs:
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
  • (Download )
If you have done all this and the problem remains, you can look for it in the list below.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 won't launch

First of all, we recommend that you check for Russian letters in the path to the game files - they shouldn't exist, this applies to both the installation directory and user data. This is the main problem due to which PES 2016 won't launch.

Also try running the game in compatibility mode for Windows 7 (main platform) and as an administrator. Check if the antivirus has added the executable “.exe” file of the game to quarantine - Kaspersky and 360 Total Security are guilty of this, even if the version is licensed.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 crashes to desktop

This issue can occur in several cases. First - your computer does not have enough RAM (4 GB or less), try unloading all unnecessary software. The second reason is that your computer is running a 32-bit version of Windows, which means it cannot use more than 3.5 GB of memory. PES 2016 requires at least 4 GB.

The game does not start or the screen is black

The solution to the problem is similar to the point above. If all else fails, check to see if the “Read Only” checkbox is checked on the game files - you can find out by right-clicking on the game folder and selecting the “Properties” column.

You may have 2 video cards installed - in this case, disable the secondary one, PES 2016 does not support SLI/CrossFire profiles. If you are playing on a laptop, then try switching from the built-in video card to a dedicated one, at least you should find out which video card the game is running on.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 is slow or low FPS

The port of this game from consoles, despite the DX9 engine, suffers from not the best optimization, which is complained mainly by owners of computers 3-4 years old. There is a solution from PES 2015 needs to be added in the driver settings Pro Evolution Soccer 2016, and then enable the settings for "vertical sync", "vertical sync pulse", vsync, etc. We recommend that owners of NVIDIA video cards check if PhysX is enabled.

Also try running the game in a window - to do this, use the key combinations Alt+Esc (switch to windowed mode) or Alt+Enter (switch to full-screen mode).

How to play together?

In the folder with the installed game, find Settings.exe, run it, and in the “Gamepad” tab, install your joystick! Pay attention to the “Gamepad” drop-down menu before specifying the joystick in the “Device” column.

PES 2016 does not see the second joystick

Check that the connection is correct (see point above).

The game behaves strangely when using the joystick

Some players note that when using a gamepad connected via USB 3.0 and/or USB 3.1x, football players begin to behave strangely - passes and passes fail, and they fail to shoot on goal. In this case, you need to switch the joystick to a regular USB 2.0, reboot the system and try playing PES 2016 again.

I can't set the resolution

It will not be possible to change all game settings from under it. Owners of the PC version need to find Settings.exe in the folder with the game installed and change the settings there, including resolution.

How to reduce brightness in game?

There is no such setting, nor is there a contrast setting, so the only possible solution is to reduce the screen brightness to minimum.

PES 2016 has no sound in the game, in the cutscenes...

This problem actually occurred in the release version of the game, but the developers quickly corrected it by releasing the first patch. It is already available to all license holders PES 2016.

If you encounter any problem, please refer to our section, where our users will quickly and efficiently help you!

Thank you for your attention! If new problems are discovered, we will update this article.

In this article we will look at how to play online in the pirated version of Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 and set up custom control settings on the keyboard and joystick. The game's knowledge base is constantly updated, keep an eye out for new instructions and guides for completing PES 2016.

How to play Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 online (any online mode)

Owners of the pirated version will not be able to play over the network in any online mode in Pro Evolution Soccer 2016. But there is one way.

Next, if you have done this, you need to download Steam on your PC ( and create your profile. If you have a Steam profile, create another one. Next, you need to add the game that you previously installed PES to your profile’s Steam library. After that, you can play in myClub mode and more. Dear pirates, be honest and buy a better license.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 (PES 2016) - setting up controls on the keyboard and joystick

PES 2016 can be played using standard controls. You can also customize it for yourself. I will set up controls similar to those used in FIFA 2007 (shot - D, short pass - S, through pass or goalkeeper exit - W, cross - A, acceleration - E, running speed - C, cursor or switching players - Q ). Using this as an example, you can set up your own personal controls, one that will be convenient for you to use during the game. To configure controls in the main menu of the game, go to the “Advanced” tab and go to the “Options” section.

Next, you need to “Select your Personal User Data”. On my list they come first, but for you they may go differently. In any case, they should be marked with a tick. Select and press Enter.

You can now change your personal details. But don’t rush into it, first let’s select “Button Configuration” and move on.

Now you can select controls. Please note that I have selected the second type of control (analogous to FIFA 2007) and the player’s movement is carried out with the help of such a “cross”. You can choose a different type or specify your own unique settings in a custom settings type.

More fine-tuned controls

If you are still unhappy with the result, exit the game. Go to the folder where you installed Pro Evolution Soccer 2016. Open or run the exe file called Settings.

After this we can see a window like this:

Go to the keyboard tab and continue changing your controls.

So, for example, for a complete 100% analogue in the controls with FIFA 07 for the second type of control, I just had to swap the E and C keys and change the default X (Russian Ch) key - a short pass, to the S (Russian Y) key.

And finally.

If you changed the player's movements to a "cross" in the game, remember? Swap the controls (Up, Left, Down, Right) with (Num 8, Num 4, Num 2, and Num 6) and everything will be fine. To configure gamepad controls, you need to go to the “Gamepad” tab accordingly. The settings are no different. That's all for me. I hope this article helped you solve the problem with the football control settings. I was sincerely glad to help.