It is often difficult for polite people to refuse to talk to bank employees. Even those who can say “no” hear “working out objections” in response. That is, pre-prepared answers to almost all negative answers. Both categories of people are united by the question: “How to get rid of annoying calls from the bank offering a loan and/or credit card.”

Let's consider the most common responses from clients (i.e., people receiving calls from banks), which they give in the hope of getting rid of annoying employees according to the “client response - what will actually happen” scheme.

  1. No loan needed. The operator will definitely say that you probably have some plans, and their offer is very profitable.
  2. I'm busy. The employee will schedule a call for another time (or date). It's a matter of time before they call you again.
  3. I will think. A specialist will offer his assistance to sort out all the details. And he will call back later.
  4. I already have a loan from your bank (or even more than one). You will be offered to take out another loan, because you probably have many plans. Or take out a new loan to pay off the old one and win in interest rates.
  5. Loan from another bank. They will say that it is much more profitable to take out a loan from their bank.

A conversation with bank employees can be ended quickly and politely for several reasons (which they will not be able to verify).

  1. You can say that you:
  2. You're not working.
  3. You are on maternity leave. But this item is only suitable for girls or women.
  4. You have an overdue debt.
  5. You do not have a permanent residence permit.

I would like to add that there is no need to respond to such calls with rudeness and rudeness. The bank employees are not guilty of anything to you - this is their job, the same as everyone else's. Don't ruin anyone's mood.

There is only one known way to avoid debt - simply do not borrow. Living within your means is not as difficult as it may seem. A person is designed in such a way that he always wants more than he can pay for. But if you soberly assess your capabilities and objective needs, finding the best option that allows you to get by with the available amount is quite possible.


Before making a decision on any other expense, it is good to think about whether this acquisition is really necessary and why? In many cases, considerations of prestige can be sacrificed. After all, you spend for yourself, and not for others (and you live too), and the opinion of strangers will often be useful, just not in.
Having settled on the optimal option, it is worth monitoring whether it is possible to use it at a lower cost.
But you shouldn’t get carried away with saving in moderation either. The proverbs “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things” and “the stingy pays twice” are well known.

Existing financial obligations should be strictly fulfilled. Pay utility bills on time, make rent, and loan payments, if any.
The existing interest rates and various hidden commissions in our realities are such that it is better to forget the word “credit product” altogether. But this doesn't always work out. For example, in most cases it is impossible to solve the housing problem without a mortgage, and not everyone can afford it.
A couple of simple rules will allow you to find a compromise: take out a loan only as a last resort and very carefully study all the essential conditions on it, especially those written in fine print in the text of the agreement.

Another simple rule is “pay yourself first.” It can also be understood as the need to take into account, among the obligatory expenses, the part of income that needs to be set aside for the future. It is considered optimal to allocate about 10% of total financial revenues for these purposes.

Video on the topic


You borrow other people's money for a while. But you will have to return yours forever. In conditions of limited financial income (and they will always be limited: even the oligarchs have not yet managed to earn all the money), borrowed funds temporarily patch a hole in your pocket today, but significantly expand it the next day.

Helpful advice

Collecting receipts doesn’t help many people sort out expenses into obligatory ones. The method is that receipts associated with all expenses for this period are saved for a week. And then an analysis is made of which of them could have been avoided, and this is taken into account in future purchases.

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  • How to get out of debt forever? Proven Action Plan

Active life on the Internet leads to the fact that the mailbox is increasingly filled with unnecessary information, called “spam”. Getting rid of it makes life and communication easier.

You will need

  • - computer with Internet access;
  • - electronic mailbox.


Log in to your mailbox by entering your login and password on the main page of the site that provides email services (Yandex, and others). The “Inbox” folder sometimes contains information that is undesirable for the owner of the mailbox. You have several options.

Select a letter by checking the box next to it. There is a menu bar at the top of the page - select “This is spam!” and click once with the left mouse button. This action will automatically move the email to the Spam folder. If you make a mistake and move the wrong email to spam, just go to the folder, mark the email and return it to your inbox by clicking “Not Spam!” in the menu.

Unsubscribe from the mailing list. Once you subscribe to receive news from a site, you will receive its letters constantly, which is not always interesting. If the portal no longer interests you and you perceive its mailings as spam, you can always unsubscribe from them. To do this, open the letter and scroll the page with your mouse wheel to the very end.

At the bottom you will find a line with the text “You received this message because you expressed your consent to receive news from the portal. If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving emails, click here." Click the link. You will automatically be taken to the settings page, where you can uncheck the “I agree to receive news” box.

Add the author of unpleasant letters to the blacklist. Open the letter that arrived in your inbox, hover your mouse over the sender's name. After this, a menu will open where you need to select “Add to blacklist”. After completing this action, you will no longer receive any emails from this addressee.


If you receive letters that are not addressed to you, then you should contact their author and report the error. Otherwise, you will continue to receive them, and their actual recipient will remain waiting.

Tip 4: Effective ways to get rid of calls from the bank offering a loan or credit cards

Most people have at least once received calls from a bank offering them favorable terms on a loan or credit card. Certainly? For some clients, such a call can be timely and help resolve a financial issue. But many people want only one thing - to end this conversation quickly.

The problem is that you want to end the conversation not only quickly, but also politely. Therefore, usually the client first listens to the operator, and then informs him that he is not interested in this offer. The operator is obliged to work through the client’s objections in order for the sale to be successful. The client’s (that is, yours) objections can be very different:

  • I do not need it
  • I have enough money
  • I have a deposit in your bank, why do I need loan offers?
  • I already have a loan (or credit card) with your/other bank
  • I don't work
  • I'm on maternity leave
  • All financial issues are decided by the spouse and so on.

The specialist has an answer to all such objections in order to win the client over to his side. But the fact is that at such moments a person begins to feel irritated or even angry. Someone begins to say again that he is not interested in all this, someone begins to quarrel with the operator, everyone reacts in their own way. I would like to note that an operator is a person who simply performs his direct work duties. And there is absolutely no point in arguing with him.

All banks have different requirements for their future borrowers. One bank will only require a passport, while another will require several documents. If you want to end this conversation without wasting time, there are several ways (regardless of the bank):

  1. It's not you. At the very beginning of the conversation, the operator must make sure that he is talking to the client. Therefore, if you are asked: “Hello, is this Valery Mikhailovich/Lidiya Petrovna?”, feel free to answer that this is not so. In this case, the specialist will say goodbye to you.
  2. No passport. If you have already listened to the offer, but are not interested in it, you can say that you just recently lost your passport. In any case, without this document you will not be able to get a credit card or loan. They will most likely tell you that while the offer is valid you can contact the bank. And the conversation will end.
  3. Don't call me with offers anymore. If at the beginning you hear that you have received an offer, then tell them never to call you again with such offers. That is, you make it clear that you are not interested in any offer. Usually the specialist apologizes and says goodbye. But, if the operator tries again, you can already say that you will write a complaint if you continue to receive similar calls. No self-respecting bank would want a client to abandon them because of such calls.

Other methods may not be as effective. For example, the fact that you are unemployed. This doesn't always matter when applying for a credit card, so the conversation can continue. Choose one of three ways to end the conversation gracefully.

How to get rid of annoying calls from the bank?

Pick up the phone and warn that the call is being recorded. Usually this is where the whole story ends. If not, then make a note and write a statement to the prosecutor’s office, in which you describe the situation in detail.

After this, it usually stops 100%.

Everything they tell you on the phone is a method of psychological influence.

I've had similar calls.

Some of my friends indicated my phone number when applying for a loan, but I didn’t even know about it.

They call and ask - do you know this person? tell him that he owes the bank such and such an amount, and it must be repaid by such and such a date.

I always answer these calls like this:

  • Call him yourself, you have his phone number. But I don't know you. I don't give any information over the phone. I can't help you. Call the debtor directly. And if you have questions specifically for me, please contact me in writing. Don't call this number again.

They answer - your phone number is in our database, and we will call you anyway.

But, strangely enough, after I say that they should not call me and contact me in writing, I have not received a single call from them, much less a letter.

Caller ID and Emergency

Turn off phone ringing on a schedule

At 20 o'clock I turned off the sound, at 9 am I turned it on)

Answering machine - the recording started, but there was silence - we didn’t pick up the phone

In general, I like to blow their minds.

They need to work, and if they’re in a bad mood, he’s just mocking them

They can't do anything

Moreover, your phone number may not match the address indicated in the loan application, so they scare you when they arrive, but they actually cannot come to you, but will go to a completely different place)

Tell me what it is. You.

Well, the topic of Conchita is not closed yet)

I once had a working direct cell phone number of a friend who raised the bank by a large amount, and... died. And he has 3 minor children.

The widow sent them a certificate of death of the creditor and forgot, and they let me call me.

Wow, I had a blast, I spent all the negativity on them for six months))

We had such dialogues with them - a dream

  • We notify you that we will be forced to collect from the immediate environment for the obligations of the creditor.
  • from a corpse? (this is me so innocently))
  • no, from relatives.
  • I don’t understand how I can relate to this?
  • but you are a relative?
  • and who are you, excuse me?
  • I am that. although I am not obliged to answer your questions, I will answer you (pause) - I am the shadow of Hamlet’s father)))

I also wanted to ask this question, but I saw that there were already victims here)) My situation is more complicated - my son got a credit card from MTS Bank and off we go! He took it and pointed out our house. number, he hasn’t lived with us for five years, mob. I left mine for them too, but collectors prefer to call us. Just today I was talking with a young man, when I asked why he was calling me and not the debtor, he said that he was not going to run after him.

And that means they can run after me, despite the fact that I definitely don’t owe them anything! She yelled at her son, tomorrow she’ll go to this damn bank to sort things out for the 150th time.

People, don’t get involved with MTS Bank, not only will you pay them money for life, you’ll also have to deal with collectors!

P.S. I’ll remember about the shadow of Hamlet’s father, in case they start calling again tomorrow))

If they start calling you from the bank due to similar problems, for example, someone took out a loan and indicated your number and now the calls will come to you. Then one of the mandatory actions will be to write a statement to the specified bank stating that you have nothing to do with the specified person, so please do not call you. After all, the loan was taken not for you, but for him.

If it is impossible to come to the bank with an application, you can send a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery. If the calls do not stop after this, then threaten to sue this organization. In addition, they have the right to call you only from 8 am to 10 pm on weekdays.

On weekends, the hours are reduced: from 9:00 to 21:00.

The same is written if a home phone number is indicated. Even if you know the person who took out the loan, then indicate in the application that this person does not live with you, accordingly, please do not make calls to this number. The bank is obliged to accept this application.

This is how I would answer this question about calls from the bank.

I have come across various advice from different people on this topic - how you can get rid of such calls from the bank. Usually they advise you to simply blacklist this number or numbers on your phone.

If there are real threats, etc., then you should boldly contact the prosecutor’s office and write a statement about them.

I feel like you’re not telling me something. Collectors have everything spelled out clearly.

Firstly, you must go to the bank and find out the reason why they are constantly calling you.

Secondly, calls from banking companies at night are contraindicated. With such intrusiveness, they fall under the article.

Thirdly, feel free to contact the police department with threats. This is if threats are made to the life and health of a person. To do this, record the conversation on a voice recorder. Talk to them calmly and do not be rude. Find out the name of the employee who is calling you without any right at night, he threatens and is rude. When talking to them, do not show that you are afraid of them, as they begin to feel their power. DO NOT SPEAK your personal information.

Collectors act against any laws, so you have every right not to open the door to them, much less not to talk to them.

True, the bank will make an excuse: We don’t know who it is and what they need. But feel free to write a statement!

Your first action is to submit a statement to the bank indicating the problem. The bank representative must sign for receipt of this letter. if it does not work, an application to the prosecutor's office or to the court for moral compensation with a printout of telephone calls attached.

  • When can the bank call?
  • What should a borrower do when calling from the bank?
  • What to do if you have debt?
  • What to do if the bank does not want to make concessions to the debtor?

Only one loan payment was missed, and calls from the bank were not long in coming. Moreover, they call several times a day, and this is not very pleasant. Many credit borrowers are familiar with this situation. What to do if they call from the bank, how to get rid of it? Are there any restrictions on calls from the bank and from collectors?

When can the bank call?

According to the law on consumer lending, which spells out the rights and obligations of the borrower and lender, bank employees and collectors have the right to remind defaulters about their debt to the credit institution using telephone conversations and through personal meetings. But such a right is limited by time.

Creditors and collectors are prohibited from calling at night from 20.00 to 6.00, as well as visiting during this time. The law does not provide for other restrictions.

It often happens that the person who received a call from the bank is not the defaulter on the loan. Bank employees or collectors may call if a relative has a debt and he left your number to the bank as a contact.

Regardless of whether you pay the loan or not, whether you are a defaulter or not, you have not only responsibilities, but also rights. And you need to be able to use these rights. Every person has the right to protection from creditors, even if there is fault in not repaying the loan.

What should a borrower do when receiving calls from the bank?

If the debtor receives a call from the bank and demand repayment of the debt, but you do not have this debt, you need to identify the person calling, ask for his full name, what position he holds, what bank he is calling from or whose interests he represents. You need to request a number to contact the bank management to verify whether such a person is really their employee and whether he is authorized to make such calls.

You need to immediately inform your interlocutor that the conversation is being recorded, you need to do so. If there are witnesses to the call, turn on the speakerphone and inform that the collected materials will go to court.

After such actions, require that all bank requirements be provided in writing.

Regardless of whether the bank employees are calling or the collectors hired by the bank to collect debts, you must demand that not only the demands be sent in writing, but also the following documents in certified form (with stamps and signatures):

  • copies of contracts;
  • charter of the credit institution;
  • license;
  • instructions under an agency agreement.

Such actions of the debtor at this stage will moderate the ardor of the calling representative of the creditor. It is necessary to make it clear that there is no panic, there is no fear, all relations between the debtor and the creditor will be built on a legal level. Perhaps after this the calls will stop. If this does not happen, you can contact your telephone operator with a request to block incoming calls from this number.

How to quickly get rid of calls from collectors and banks

What to do if you have debt?

If you really have a debt, you must also not deviate from legal methods of communication in a telephone conversation with bank employees in order to get rid of them.

If possible, you need to warn the bank about possible problems with making the next payment and ask them to record your actions as a bona fide borrower. You can ask the bank to defer the loan without imposing a fine.

If there is no way to repay the loan at all, you will have to start negotiations on the sale of property, which was pledged against guarantees of loan funds and repayment of part of the debt.

There is an option to try to negotiate a longer deferment - one or two years. You need to communicate with the bank and look for the best solution for the debtor.

It is more interesting for the bank to repay the debt than to be left with nothing on this loan, so it must make some concessions and agree to debt restructuring. Thus, you can stretch payments over a longer period with a reduction in monthly payments or revise the interest rate on the loan.

What to do if the bank does not want to make concessions to the debtor?

If the bank does not want to make concessions to the debtor, you need to contact a lawyer specializing in financial matters with your agreement. It is possible that dubious clauses can be found in the contract, since in relation to risks The bank is in a good position– transfer them completely to the borrower. It is easier for a competent lawyer to find the bank’s weak points in the contract and challenge its actions in court.

In recent years, the practice has become increasingly widespread when a bank, unable to independently collect an overdue debt from an unscrupulous borrower, transfers his case to collection offices. However, due to gaps in the current legislation, honest citizens who have never taken out loans or acted as guarantors often become victims of these agencies. That’s why today more and more people are interested in how to get rid of debt collectors.

Is the activity of firms specializing in the recovery of problem loans legal?

Unfortunately, most borrowers mistakenly believe that the actions of agencies involved in collecting other people's debts are, in principle, illegal. In reality, everything is not so simple. Domestic legislation provides for the right of banks to get rid of problem debts by transferring them to third parties, which are not always credit institutions. In some cases, it is not at all necessary to sell the overdue loan; it is enough to simply conclude an appropriate agreement. After this, the company, which has nothing to do with banking activities, receives the legal right to demand that the borrower repay the debt.

How to talk to debt collectors over the phone?

One of the main methods of work of companies dealing with problem loans is to exert psychological pressure on the borrower. Therefore, many people who have encountered them are interested in how to get rid of debt collectors once and for all. First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that such agencies do not have the right to disturb the debtor before 9 am and after 8 pm.

During a telephone conversation with debt collectors, you need to talk calmly, without allowing yourself to raise your voice. One of the most common mistakes is hanging up on someone saying they refuse to pay their bills. Collectors are accustomed to this behavior and will definitely not leave such a debtor behind.

Those who want to know how to get rid of debt collectors legally and forever need to follow a few simple recommendations. During the conversation, you need to find out point by point what the representatives of this agency want from you, not forgetting to clarify the name and address of the organization, as well as the name of the caller. If such information is not provided, the conversation should be ended. In addition, it does not hurt to inform the interlocutor that the conversation is being recorded and will later be used in possible legal proceedings. As a rule, after these words, even the most persistent and daring debt collectors calm down. This forces them to engage in constructive dialogue.

How to get rid of collectors?

Recently, cases have become more frequent when representatives of such agencies come to the debtor’s home and begin to visit his neighbors, reporting an overdue loan. The same thing can happen with work colleagues. Borrowers who want to know how to get rid of debt collectors permanently and through legal methods need to not give in to their threats. After all, often all their talk about court hearings and prison terms has no basis, since this is a rather long and expensive process. The calculation of such agencies is based on the fact that the frightened borrower will voluntarily return at least part of the money taken.

Those who are thinking about how to get rid of debt collectors should be sure to record all the illegal actions they have committed, if possible involving friends and neighbors as witnesses. Having learned about the competent behavior of the borrower, they will moderate their ardor.

One of the most effective methods of dealing with debt collectors is a written requirement to provide the borrower with a copy of the agreement on the transfer of rights to collect debt. The document must indicate when and what amount of debt the bank transferred to this office.

How to get rid of calls from collectors?

When talking with an agency representative, you must indicate your desire to conduct electronic correspondence. It is also advisable to install filtering of incoming calls on your mobile phone. It is recommended to program your phone so that it accepts calls only from those numbers that are included in the contact database.

If collectors call you, you can simply contact the relevant authorities with a request to change the number.

Rules of conduct during a personal meeting

According to current legislation, representatives of agencies involved in the collection of problem debts do not have the right to come to his home or work without the consent of the borrower. Therefore, when a person sees debt collectors on his doorstep, he has every right not to let them in.

Having met with the agency representative on the landing, you must ask him for any identification document, a photocopy of the agreement on the transfer of claims on the loan and a power of attorney issued by the director of the institution and confirming the authority of a specific employee.

Contacting law enforcement agencies

Having tried all the legal recommendations that tell you how to get rid of debt collectors, you can turn to the police for help. However, you should be prepared for the fact that this approach will not give the desired result. The best assistants in such a fight will be your persistence and knowledge of all legal nuances.