Each Minecraft server administrator receives a huge responsibility on his shoulders. The point is that administrator is not just a title that you can show off to your friends. This is a lot of work, effort and diligence that you need to show every day for as long as your server exists. But, of course, it’s worth starting with which is the skeleton of your server. Using them, you will be able to flexibly control everything that happens in the game world, maintain players’ interest in the project and develop it. There are simply a huge number of teams, and they are all incredibly important, responsible for various aspects. So it is impossible to single out any group that would be the most important, remember it - and relax. You will constantly need to learn new commands, how they can be used, and how they affect the game world. But it’s better to start small - for example, by learning how to ban a player in Minecraft.

Ban by nickname

First you need to understand the simplest command. With its help you will learn how to ban a player in Minecraft. It is very short and simple, so it will not require much effort from you. If you think that a player is breaking the rules, then you need to remember his nickname, enter the command ban, and then enter the nickname separated by a space. Thus, the player will be removed from the server’s white list and blacklisted. When a player is blacklisted, he cannot log into the server using his current nickname. This way you can clear your server of unscrupulous gamers who not only do not contribute to the life of the game world, but also prevent other inhabitants from having fun. However, this ban is quite weak, and can be bypassed extremely easily - you just need to enter the game under a different nickname, and the same person will be able to play again and create chaos. Therefore, you also need to know how to ban a Minecraft player by IP.

Ban by IP

Very often, server administrators use an IP ban, because it allows you to exclude not just a user account from the game, but also deny access to the server to any device using the IP address that you have banned. If you are interested, you will need to slightly modify the above command. To ban by IP, use the ban-ip command. Naturally, you do not need to find out the address of the offender yourself - it is determined automatically. However, this type of ban has its drawbacks - for example, if a person plays from a local network, then there is usually a common IP address for the entire network of several dozen computers at once. And they all lose access to the server, so innocent people can also suffer. Now you know how to ban a player through the console, but you still need to know how to remove the ban.

Removing the ban

If you ban all players forever, even for the smallest mistakes, you will very quickly be left with no visitors at all. Therefore, you need to know not only how to ban a player as an admin, but also how to unban him. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this - you need a command that is not much more complicated than those described above. If you banned a person by nickname, then use the pardon command, after which enter the desired nickname. If the ban was carried out through an IP address, then you need to write pardon-ip to remove such a block.

View blacklist

It is impossible to keep a list of all banned players in your head, and there is no need to do so. Using the banlist command, you will be able to view a list of all players who have received a ban from you, including all the necessary information, such as the date and time the ban was placed, and the reason, if one was provided.

Good afternoon, dear guests of our portal. Editor Sailor is with you and now I’ll tell you how to ban a player in minecraft.

Banning players in the game

I’ll say right away that only the server administrator has the ban function. All existing commands on the server are available to it.

Admins ban those players who violate server rules, play with cheats or insult other players. No one will ever ban you just like that.

There are two types of ban. The first one is ordinary. It is issued for a certain period of time and you will not be able to play only on the account that is banned. The second is via IP. That is, they ban your IP address. You will not be able to play on any account.

Command for the first: /ban Nick Reason. If you need to unban, then write /pardon nickname. For the second - /ban-ip nickname reason. Unban: /pardon-ip nickname.

Teams may not be the same. It all depends on the plugin that is installed on the server. You can find a description of the commands on the official plugin website. But I have indicated frequently used commands.

If you are interested in creating your own server, I advise you to visit our forum. Our editors will be happy to answer all your questions. There is also an article on how to create your own server.

Ban is a derived word from the English “ban” - “to prohibit”. Most often, using a ban, user rights are limited for a certain time. Typically, spammers, trolls, vandals and other persons whose messages limit the productive activity of a resource (site, forum) receive a ban.

If you don’t know how to ban a specific user, you should understand that this action is subject only to the owner of the resource. Usually the spammer is warned in advance about a possible ban. You can identify a banned user by IP address or by his account.

One of the important disadvantages of a ban is that it only applies to one user account. So, if a ban is imposed on an unwanted participant with a free registration, you can expect his further active actions under a different registration.

Principles of giving a ban

In games, a ban is quite common as the main means of combating cheaters, but there are many ways to get around it. Thus, in the famous game Counter Strike, many users know how to ban by IP, and use this solution to combat scammers. Let's look at the basic techniques for banning unwanted players.

The easiest and most famous is to ban by entering the amxmodmenu command in the console, after which you should specify the Ban command in the menu that opens. But this method has a drawback: the cheater can change the IP address, after which he will start the attack again.

Another effective way to give a ban in a CS using a subnet: you need to determine the IP address of the unwanted player, and then enter the value amx_banip “ban_time” IP address in the console.

One of the effective options to ban a user in a game is to start the server, wait for the required player to appear, and then enter the command amx_bancs player_name into the console.

Using the amx_bancs plugin, the user will be banned via CS (this action does not even depend on dynamic IP). After this, the player will not be able to log into the server until he decides to reinstall CS.

Various types of ban submission

Some useful tips from experts on how to give a ban in Minecraft. To do this you can use the commands:

  1. /ban nickname
  2. /admin user login banned
  3. Use the tempban plugin, which allows you to ban a player for a certain time. You need to set certain commands: /tempban “Player nickname (must be online)” “ban period”.

Example: /tempban Player 3 weeks

/tempbanexact “Player nickname (must be offline)” “ban period” - will ban a player who is currently offline.

But no matter how pure the intentions of the person banning, it should be remembered that the most effective and honest way to ban is to contact the site administration with a request to ban the unwanted user and a detailed description of the situation.

Hello, very often a situation arises when a player begins to break the rules, grief others, interfere with someone, and so on. And this needs to stop. Usually such players attack not privileged players, but ordinary players. The situation can be improved by banning this person, either temporarily or permanently. What commands are there to ban a player in Minecraft:

  1. Regular ban for a while;
  2. Eternal ban;
  3. Ban by IP address;
  4. Mut for a while;
  5. Mut forever.

Let's look at everything one by one.

How to ban a player temporarily

Type /ban PLAYER NAME REASON. On the server where I entered the commands, you can simply write “/ban player name” and the reason. Usually they ban for one or five minutes.

Using this admin command you can ban any player and even players with the “Server Admin” privilege.

How to unban a player?

To do this, you need to write a simple command: /unban PLAYER NAME.

How to ban a player via ip

You can also give a person a ban by banning his subnet, but resort to this only as a last resort, because after such a ban the player will never be able to access the server again unless he is “forgiven.” Here is the command: “/ban-ip player IP PLAYER NAME”.

If you do not want to write all these commands, then you can easily do this through the admin panel, you can call it with the command: /admin. Again, all these commands work on my server, it’s not a fact that they will work on yours. This command displays a list of all the players on the server, by clicking on which you can ban him.

There is such a command on servers as mute. By entering this command you can prohibit a specific player from writing messages in the general chat for any period of time. Enter the command like this: “/mute PLAYER NAME REASON” (here’s an example: /mute XllX spammer). You can also specify the mute time.

You can try to add a player to the blacklist with the command “/black PLAYER NAME”, but this command only works for the server creator himself, and if you do this, you may be banned. But if you have done this, you can remove the player from the blacklist by entering the /pardon command.