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More recently, we didn’t even know what it was and could easily have done without it. But now, when technological progress is moving at tremendous speed towards new discoveries, in the age of innovative technologies, not a single person, not even a child, can without a cell phone. This important thing makes our life easier - it allows us to be in touch with loved ones and friends, colleagues and bosses almost around the clock, no matter where we are.

But many have encountered such a situation when mobile phone battery is dead, but there is nothing to charge it with. Or you’re on a trip and forgot your charger at home, or you’re late at work, and your colleagues are out of luck phones of a different model. Or the charger has simply failed. Fell from the top shelf and broke, your beloved cat chewed the wire - there are many cases leading to charger failure... And what to do when, for example, it’s deep night and you urgently need to make an extremely important call, or the charger is broken on New Year's Eve and for a few more days it will be difficult to find a worker mobile phone salon or don't have time to go shopping?

You can, of course, give up on everything and at a convenient time buy a new charger, but you can try charge your phone without charging at home using one of the methods described below.

Method 1. Through a computer

If you have an adapter device for a PC, and you have a PC, then you can always charge your phone from your computer. You probably have at home: a desktop, laptop, or even a tablet. The main thing is that he has USB connector, and you have a corresponding adapter from the connector for your charger to USB. Now manufacturers have begun to bring their connectors to the standards mini and micro USB, so many users end up with several identical cables. If you have the necessary adapter or cable, but no PC, go to your neighbors, one of them will definitely help.

Method 2. Technical

Here you will have to do a little work and perform several sequential actions:

Step 1: Find a charger

You will need any working charger, for example, from an old unnecessary or non-working phone, or from a friend’s phone if he suddenly has an extra one.

Step 2. Work with the cord

Cut off the found charger phone connector. Then carefully use a knife to make a circular cut and remove the insulation so that two wires remain exposed: blue and red.

Step 3. Connect to the battery and secure

Extreme methods (as a last resort)

In general, there are several dubious methods that will allow bring the charger back to life for some more time. The simplest and most effective, as bold experimenters claim, is need to heat up the battery. If the sun is shining, then you need to remove the battery from the phone and place it on any surface heated by the sun. If the surface is warm enough, the phone's battery will be charged in ten minutes, which will be enough for you to make an important call.

If there is no sun, and there is no heating radiator or heat source nearby, a dead battery can be recharged as follows: hold the battery in your fist and knock it on your knee, the main thing is to shake it properly. There is another option, although it will only be suitable if there really is nowhere to go: the phone battery needs to be squeezed tightly, for example in a door frame, just so that it does not deform, but whatever the case, the battery will not forgive you for such treatment and you will soon have to buy a new one.

It is best (and most reliable) to take a spare battery with you on the road, but as an extreme way out of an extreme situation of lack of communication, they can alleviate the fate of a person informationally cut off from important matters. // otvetkak.ru, svoimi-rykami.ru

Life often makes its own adjustments to people’s plans, forcing them to look for ways out of sudden difficult situations. It is very uncomfortable for a modern city dweller to be left with a non-working smartphone, especially if they need to make or receive an important call/email soon. And at the most inopportune moment, the gadget turns off, but there is no charger with you or it is faulty. So you have to rack your brains - how to charge your phone battery without a charger? There are actually a lot of ways - from other devices or batteries, and even using the operating principle of a mobile battery. The question is whether it is possible to charge the battery safely for a smartphone and not shorten its life. In fact, it is quite possible - just be careful and attentive.

Use different batteries

Using this method you can.

To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open the cover and remove the battery from the mobile phone . Models with this feature do not have this option, which means the described method will not work. Most smartphones on Android and Windows provide such a feature by design, but you should not try to remove the back cover from Apple devices; the manufacturer does not provide for this.
  2. Find several AAA, AA or nine-volt batteries . Their internal energy is completely identical to that found in the phone battery, in contrast to the current from the outlet, which is characterized as alternating. Why you shouldn’t try to directly use AA batteries instead of your own battery phone? Because its fine design and settings are very sensitive to the characteristics of the incoming energy, and deviations in them, characteristic of the connected elements, can irreparably damage the device.
  3. Figure out which of the contacts on the found batteries and on the charged element itself are positive and which are negative . If you look closely, you can see icons clearly showing the charge sign. With a telephone battery, it is sometimes difficult to disassemble them; as a rule, the contact with the “plus” sign is located closer to the edge, and the contact with the “minus” sign is further from it. You should pay attention only to the outer protrusions; the central ones serve for other tasks.
  4. Assemble the batteries so that their total voltage is equal to that required for charging . On average, for modern phones, DC charging should be carried out at a voltage of at least 3.7 V. There are 9 V batteries, and you can use them. The usual AA or AAA voltage is only 1.5 V, so you will need at least three pieces so that their total voltage is greater than the required value.
  5. Get two pieces of wire, preferably insulated along the entire length except the ends - there should be bare metal there.
  6. Connect the battery and the battery being charged with a wire, secure the connection tape or something else. Then put the structure down and wait while the battery charges. If several batteries are used, they can be connected in parallel to each other. To do this, a metal piece of wire is attached to all the negative terminals of all small batteries on one side, and a second wire is attached to the positive terminals on the other.
  7. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a large charge . The battery will not be fully charged, but the little that is there should be enough to make an urgent call or other important action.


You need to remove the battery from the phone and Start rubbing the element hard and fast with your palms, creating a lot of heat and friction. This should last for at least thirty seconds, and preferably several minutes. After - input the battery back into the smartphone. The resulting energy is enough for a very short operating time, so it needs to be used as efficiently as possible.

Some believe that this trick relies on creating static electricity, which slightly charges the battery. This assumption is wrong. In fact, the technique works thanks to the device itself and. The chemical reactions that result in an element storing energy proceed better at higher temperatures, so that active friction can be said to become a catalyst for increasing electrical conductivity.

Using other technology

To charge in this way you need:

  • to have access to a computer, laptop, tablet and another device powerful enough to charge your phone;
  • this device and the phone have USB connectors ;
  • corresponding adapter Fortunately, there are no problems with adapters, because most phones have standard micro USB.

The procedure is very simple - connect the phone to the charging equipment using a wire and wait until a certain amount of energy accumulates. It is not even necessary to switch the smartphone into USB connection mode with a computer; the charge will flow in any case. You can also carry with you or ask someone for a special device for powering your mobile phone without charging.

There is a technical means for charging a phone battery directly, which is called “”. It has special contacts to which the discharged battery is attached, taking into account the polarity. If everything is done correctly, a signal will light up on the “frog”. It will take up to three hours to replenish the entire battery charge, but the advantage is that the charging device will automatically turn off and stop supplying energy. The completion of the charging process will be indicated by a lit light.

Urgently charge your phone using a knife

This method is a unique variation of the friction trick; it can be used even far from the city. However, it is fraught with troubles with the device, so it should be used only as a last resort.


  1. Remove the battery from the smartphone .
  2. Find or make some kind of large heat source , like a barbecue or at least the flame of a lighter.
  3. Heat the knife blade on this flame.
  4. Place the battery on the hot blade with the contacts facing it .
  5. Wait until the element warms up slightly (not too much!) , and a little charge will appear in it.
  6. Put the battery back .

Precautionary measures

  • Before removing the battery from your mobile phone, you must turn it off - otherwise some settings may be lost.
  • Never attempt to charge regular batteries that are not marked “rechargeable” using any of these methods. and which are not intended for reuse.
  • Make sure that the incoming charge does not exceed what the battery can hold , it's explosive.

There are a lot of possibilities on how to charge a phone battery when left without a charger, and if you have knowledge about them and about the possible dangers associated with certain methods, then the likelihood of finding yourself somewhere without the ability to get in touch is minimal.

We often miss good shots in the forest or at sea, we may be late or stumble in the dark because a simple battery from a camera, watch or flashlight suddenly runs out. It's hard to say exactly when the charge will be used up, unless this is a Duracell model with an indicator. But don't despair! Thanks to a few tips, you can avoid unpredictable situations and take the intended photographs from a digital camera, find out the exact time, illuminate the road, etc. In this article, we will tell you how to charge batteries at home without a charger, which will make life much easier in unpredictable situations.

Know that to charge alkaline batteries you can use a special charger that can relatively quickly restore a discharged item. But each charging session will reduce its operating life by approximately 1/3. In addition, leakage is possible.

Note! At home you can charge: alkaline (alkaline) AA batteries. Don't: salt. The possibility of leakage or even explosion cannot be ruled out!

Charging can be done using various methods. Therefore, you should not throw away an element as soon as it stops serving. A few recommendations - and he is back in action. The first method, using which you can charge AA batteries yourself without a charger. We connect the power supply to the network. Next, using the connection wires, we connect the used battery to the unit. Don't forget about polarity: plus is connected to plus, and minus is connected to minus. It’s quite easy to find where the “-\+” of a discharged object is: they are marked on the body.

Having connected the battery to the power source, wait until it warms up to fifty degrees and turn off the power. Next, wait a few minutes for the heated object to cool down. Otherwise, it may explode. Then, while the AA is still warm, it needs to be charged in a different way. It consists of the following: connect the power supply to electricity and disconnect it. This should take about 120 seconds. Next, we place the object to be charged in the “freezer” for 10 minutes, then take it out and wait 2-3 minutes for it to warm up. That's it, the charge is restored right at home without a charger! You can safely use it for the same computer mouse.

Main rules:

  1. The charge is not feasible if you arrange the + and - in a different way. On the contrary, the battery will drain even faster.
  2. It is permissible to charge the object at home 1-2 times.
  3. Using the method described above, you can only charge simple AA alkaline batteries.
  4. The charge can be carried out in any ambient temperature conditions.

Another charging method is the conventional heating method. But it is fraught with consequences (explosion). In this way, you can restore, again, small alkaline batteries at home. You can also charge them in a simpler way - place discharged objects in hot water, but for no more than 20 seconds, otherwise sad results are possible. Another simple way is to flatten or reduce the volume of the element with your own hands. This way you can charge various AA batteries. There is an example when a person, after the charge of a cast-ion battery had expired, simply took it out and stomped on it, after which the charge indicator showed one hundred percent.

You can also restore the charge without a charger this way: we make 2 holes with an awl near each carbon rod with a depth of three-quarters of the height of the element itself. We pour liquid into them and seal them, covering them with resin or plasticine. You can pour not just liquid, but an eight to ten percent solution of hydrochloric acid or double vinegar. Pour the solution several times to ensure sufficient saturation. This method allows you to charge up to seventy to eighty percent of the initial capacity.

Video instructions for restoring Duracell using a phone charger

Another way to charge the product: open the cell cover with a knife. If the zinc cylinder, the object's rod and the carbon powder are intact, then immerse the object in the salt solution. Its ratio is as follows: 2 tablespoons of table salt per several glasses of liquid. Next, boil the solution together with the element for about ten to fifteen minutes. Then we return the gaskets responsible for sealing to their place and cover them with wax or plasticine.

Alternative charging method

In this article, we told you how to charge batteries at home without a charger. The proposed tips apply only to finger batteries, since they, unlike little finger batteries, flat batteries (tablets) used for lasers, are most often used in everyday life. Now you can properly charge the necessary elements even if there is no electricity!

Also read:

What can make a modern person panic? That's right - a flashing red battery charging indicator on your phone, especially if you are away from home and did not take the cable with you. In this article, we will tell you how to charge your phone without charging.

Let's consider all possible options. Something will be as obvious as possible, but not always come to mind in emergency situations. And some ways may surprise you, and sometimes make you smile and laugh. But when you need to bring your mobile phone back to life, you are ready for a lot, aren’t you?

If you are on the street and your phone shows only 10% of your remaining life, you need to quickly find your bearings so as not to be left without communication.

  • In many crowded places, for example, at public transport stops, squares and shopping centers, special charging stations for mobile phones are now installed. They can look like poles with windows and wires, or they can look like parking meters. There are also options similar to small storage lockers. You leave the gadget in a small cell that is locked with a key, it gains energy, and meanwhile you walk.

  • One of the easiest ways to charge your phone battery is to go to a coffee shop to warm up and ask the waiter to warm up and charge your device. Some cafes and restaurants have special cabinets where you can find the necessary wire yourself and feed your gadget. If there are no specially equipped cabinets, you can simply ask the staff who may have a charger identical to yours.
  • Mobile phone stores, service centers of large brands of mobile equipment, as well as stores with equipment can help you out in this situation.

Using gadgets

There are many special gadgets that can revive your device’s battery if for some reason there is no regular charging.

Computer or laptop

The first method that comes to mind when regular charging runs out is to charge your iPhone or Android at home via a PC or laptop. However, for this you will need a USB cable. Of course, this process is longer than through an outlet, but a few hours will be enough to reach the 50% mark, and this is already a victory.

Power Bank

An amazing invention that is actively used by people whose job is to be on the move and with an active smartphone. It is clear that in this case the battery will run out instantly, so resourceful people carry the phone with the power bank connected all day.

The main thing is to charge the portable battery itself in advance. It is usually fed via USB from a computer or from a regular outlet. It may take several days to charge such a device, but then it can serve as your mobile charging station for almost a month.

Energy of sun

It is not surprising that at a time when entire power plants, autonomous houses and apartments are powered by solar energy, inventors came up with a device that recharges phones from the sun's rays.

It looks like a power bank, only with photocells built into it that accumulate sunlight, which is subsequently converted into power for your gadget.

This is a great device to take on hikes, picnics, and music festivals. The only thing is that you need to adjust the weather so that there are no clouds. This technique can stay afloat for a long time. But it also transfers charge to the phone for a long time.


You don't have to look for croaking princesses in the swamp. This is the name of a special technological device that will help out your dead battery.

To charge your phone without frog charging, remove the battery from your device and insert it into the special connector on the power supply.

Such devices are universal and suitable for any type of battery. They are recharged through an outlet.


Car owners probably have a special charger in their iron horse that runs from the cigarette lighter. This is a great way to charge smartphones and push-button devices while riding.

Extreme ways

Now let's talk about the options that young researchers can use to study the laws of physics and chemistry in practice. This is more of an entertainment or show than a real help.

  • Try to build a charging station yourself. To do this you will need: metal sheets (as an option - plates from a saw), copper wire and an electrolyte in the form of salt water. So, let's start assembling. Bury the metal in the ground, connect them together with wire and pour liquid over them. Now you can put the battery on this station and charge it.
  • Another way to prolong the life of a battery is to heat it with a knife. Split the knife over the fire and apply it to the battery. This method will add a couple of percent of charge.
  • You can also get energy from lemons. Their acid is capable of producing the energy we need through the oxidation of copper. Cut some lemons in half, stick a nail in each half and connect them with copper cord. By connecting this design to the battery, you will give it an additional few life-giving percentages.

You forgot it, lost it, or simply didn’t take it with you. You can do without it - use other means to replenish the battery. But some of them are unsafe. Therefore, before charging your phone battery without a charger, carefully read the instructions.

There are several ways to charge your smartphone without a charger.

This does not mean that other means are not available. Any smartphone charger is suitable for replenishing the battery. The main thing is that the plug matches the connector. But third-party wires can damage your phone's battery or shorten its life. Therefore, they cannot be used constantly. This is not a full replacement of the charger, but a temporary solution. As soon as possible, find or buy a special cable that is suitable for the device model.

You can do without charging if you have a MicroUSB-USB adapter and a computer. Just connect your smartphone to your PC. Or purchase an electrical plug with a USB socket. With its help, you will replenish the battery from the outlet, as with a regular charger.

There are also adapters that can be connected to the car's cigarette lighter. This method is suitable for you if you spend a lot of time driving and have nowhere to charge the battery. The smartphone will be powered while the car is running. But fuel consumption will increase slightly. If you turn off the engine and leave the car battery on, the phone will drain it.

A universal option is external batteries. They always come with a suitable cable. Sometimes - several cables for different types of devices. These products are used at home or taken on the road. Their capacity is greater than that of a telephone battery. That is, they “fit” more energy that you can carry with you.

If your gadget has wireless charging function, it does not need any wires. But you will need additional equipment: a source of an electromagnetic signal and a receiver that can be built into a smartphone. To find out if your mobile device supports over-the-air power transfer, check its specifications.

Here's how to charge your phone battery without charging:

  1. Connect the source to the mains.
  2. Install a receiver in your smartphone if it doesn’t have one.
  3. Place the gadget next to the charger.

Not all mobile phones have this technology. And the battery will replenish slowly. But this is still a great option if you don’t have the necessary wires. It is battery safe.


The battery can be recharged not only without charging, but also without a smartphone. Although there is a risk that the part will break. And you'll have to buy a new one.

In electronics stores you will find a universal charger. It is called "Toad" or "Frog". And outwardly it resembles these animals. Here's how to charge the battery:

  1. Turn off your smartphone and remove the battery from it.
  2. Open the Frog lid. To do this, press on its edge.
  3. There will be two terminals there.
  4. Connect the two outermost contacts of the battery to them. The “Pros” and “Cons” must match.
  5. Close it with a lid.
  6. Insert the Frog into the socket.
  7. If the red indicator turns on, it means everything is working. If nothing lights up, flip the battery over and try again.

Network connection

This method is the most dangerous. Including for you - it can give you an electric shock. Here's how to charge your phone battery without a charger:

  1. Take any wire from any smartphone. It is better to choose the one you don’t need, since you will no longer be able to use it for its intended purpose.
  2. Cut off the plug from the cable that should be connected to the mobile phone.
  3. Remove the insulation from the cord. Not all of it. Only the part that you will connect to the battery.
  4. There are blue and red wires inside. Remove some insulation from them too. Do this carefully - the cables are fragile.
  5. Remove the battery from the phone. Turn it off before doing this.
  6. Find the contacts on it and the symbols “+” (“Plus”) and “-” (“Minus”).
  7. Connect the exposed wires to the battery terminals. Blue to "Plus". Red - to “Minus”.
  8. Cover them with duct tape.
  9. Plug the charger into a power outlet.
  10. If the cables have different colors, try the scientific method. Place them in salted water and turn on the electricity. The cord next to which the bubbles will appear has a negative charge.

Do not touch bare wires when current is applied to them. Do not hold the battery in your hands while it is being recharged. At the same time, check its temperature. It may overheat, melt or even explode. This recharge method is suitable for emergency situations. He's not safe.

If you are far from the mains, you can recharge from another battery. Only it must have the same characteristics as yours. Make sure the current, power and capacitance match. And connect the batteries to each other as described above. But use a charged battery instead of a power outlet. The energy will be transferred to the dead device. And this is also risky - you can damage both batteries.

Outside the home

Standard methods and electrical grid are not available to you? For example, you are relaxing in nature, and your mobile phone has died. How to charge it if civilization is several kilometers away? There is a way out.

  • Solar panels. These are also external batteries. They accumulate energy when bright light shines on them. The method is not as effective on cloudy days, at night or in dark rooms. But with such a device, you will be able to power your smartphone from a source that will never run out - from the Sun.
  • Dynamos. Small products with a USB port and a lever. They work on kinetic energy. You turn the lever - the battery is replenished. You need patience here, as you won’t be able to quickly charge your phone’s battery without a charger. With a dynamo, the recharge is very slow. And at the same time you have to constantly turn the lever.
  • Regular AA batteries. The same ones that you have in your TV remote control, alarm clock, flashlight. There is no need to insert them into your smartphone. There is an adapter with a microUSB plug. Place batteries in it and connect it to your phone.
  • Temperature. Warm the battery in your hands. If it is warm or hot, the device will turn on. You won't be able to listen to music on your mobile phone, but it's enough for one call. The main thing is not to burn the battery.

There are extreme methods. But after them the device is unlikely to work. You will be able to call or send SMS. And this is where the “life” of the battery ends.

  • Hit him.
  • Poke it with a needle and put it in water. A chemical reaction will begin. Some energy will be released.
  • You can warm it not in your hands, but, for example, on a radiator. Or on a knife that was held over the fire. But a smartphone will also break for company.

You figured out how to charge your phone battery without charging. There are clear and accessible methods. There are difficult and risky ones. In any case, it is better to use a cable that is suitable for the smartphone model. Leave other methods as a last resort.

Which one do you prefer?